Sunday, August 7, 2011


Due to faulty protein metabolism and elimination, there could be deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints which usually results in excruciating pain and inflammation of the joints. This condition known commonly as gout is bound to be aggravated by a diet that is rich in animal proteins. Some medicinal herbs that should be taken to treat gout, besides stopping the intake of animal products, are willow bark, daisy, milk thistle, burdock, dandelion root, nettle and couch grass.

How the Medicinal Herbs are Used To Cure Gout

The first remedy is to drink nettle tea three times a day to dissolve and eliminate the acid. Nettle is a very good cleansing herb.

Another remedy is to drink dandelion coffee three times a day to support the liver. One can also take two cups of butterbur or umbrella plant tea a day. Another liver function remedy is to take milk thistle and burdock tincture.

To cure the inflammation anti-inflammation herbs such as meadowsweet and willow should be taken preferably in the form of tinctures.

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