Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To Do Colonic Hydrotherapy: Colon Cleanse

Even though neglected by modern medicine digestive system and colon health is an important area that needs to be addressed. One reason why it is very important is the discovery in recent times that more than 60% of the body's immune system is located along the alimentary canal running from the mouth to the anus. If we are to have an effective immune system then we need to improve the health of the colon by our diets and getting rid of old faecal matter that may be stuck in the intestines causing all sorts of problem. 

Colon cleansing, colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy have helped many people to cure themselves from diseases such as migraines, cancer etc that previously were unrelated to such conditions. If you do not have enough bowel movements your intestines could lead to bowel pockets that could lead old faecal matter being absorbed back into the blood stream. Another neglected fact is that the food we eat whether vegetables or meat have all sorts of parasites that may end up staying on in the body if they are not gotten rid of very fast.

Unfortunately due to our high fat diet most people do not have the recommended 2-3 bowel movements resulting in faecal matter overstaying in the intestines resulting in the rise of worms, and accumulation of toxins in the body. This could also result in various cancers such as colon cancer or leaky gut syndrome due to the impeded immune system in the body. Most vegans and those in primitive areas who eat less meat do not experience digestive problems that are troubling our affluent communities.

As a solution to such digestive problems colonic hydrotherapy or colon cleanse are becoming popular to improve bowel movement. Medical Herbalist such as Dr Richard Schulze insist on colon cleanse when dealing with incurable diseases such as cancer. Some people  have defeated cancer by doing a colon cleanse or hydrotherapy and adopting a vegan diet.  In the following article Dr Agatha Thrash teaches on how a colon cleanse or hydrotherapy can be done at home. 


Preventive Medicine
I. Indications
  •      Bad breath 
  •      Cancer & polyps of bowel 
  •      Colitis 
  •      Constipation 
  •      Dehydration 
  •      Diarrhea 
  •      Fever 
  •      Headache 
  •      Inflammatory colon 
  •      Intestinal gas & cramps 
  •      Nausea/vomiting 
  •      Toxicity
II. Physiological Effects
  •      Aids in evacuation and cleaning of bowels. 
  •      Adds moisture to dry stool in bowel. 
  •      Helps rid body of toxic wastes. 
  •      Stimulates blood supply to colon. 
  •      Cold especially stimulates peristalsis, but when used repeatedly depresses normal peristalsis.
III. Contraindications
  •      Appendicitis 
  •      Recent heart attack 
  •      Severe colitis                                                            
  •      Painful hemorrhoids 
  •      Chronic constipation as a repeated treatment

IV. Equipment
  •      Bell to call for help 
  •      Books/tape recorder 
  •      Chair 
  •      Colonic board 
  •      Commode 
  •      Enema rectal tip (metal) 
  •      Fan 
  •      Glass of water with straw 
  •      KY jelly 
  •      Large enema bucket & tubing with clamp 
  •      Large plastic bag 
  •      Pillow 
  •      Rubber gloves 
  •      Sheets 
  •      Tape 
  •      Toilet paper 
  •      Wash cloth/towel

V. Procedure 

  • Place colonic board, with open end over commode and head end resting on chair. 
  • Cover with sheet, add pillow. 
  • Cut end off large plastic bag. Fasten it to the metal frame at the end of the board by punching a hole through the bag with the frame and then securing it to the board with tape. Drape the other end through the opening in the colonic board into the commode. 
  • Fill the enema bucket with water (cool, warm, hot): cool: for high fever warm: 99-108 F. for constipation, toxicity, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, cramps, gas  hot: 109-118 F. for intestinal polyps & cancer, diarrhea. 
  • Use caution with higher temperatures, the intestinal mucosa can tolerate this temperature easily but the skin surrounding the anus is very sensitive. 
  • Set bucket at least 18" above patient (on chair, on the sink counter). 
  • Attach colonic tip to tubing. Run water through tubing and clamp it. Set tip on clean towel on back of toilet tank. Place fan on chair near head of colonic board. Have a glass of water and a straw within reach.

3.Explain procedure to patient. Instruct him to drink water before the treatment. 
4. Have patient undress from waist down. Assist patient to lie down on board with buttocks over opening and feet up on back of commode. Cover with a sheet. Ensure patient's comfort. Have call bell nearby.
5. Lubricate colonic tip. Insert it into patient's rectum, or assist patient to do it, or instruct him how to do it himself, whichever the patient feels most comfortable with. The metal colonic tip can be secured in place by taping to the metal frame. 
6. Have prayer with patient. 
7. Open clamp on tubing and allow water to flow. Clamp should be within patient's reach so the flow can be stopped by the patient if necessary for cramps. 
8. Instruct the patient to lightly massage lower abdomen, starting at the left lower quadrant rising to the upper left quadrant, then across the upper right quadrant (following the position of the colon as the water flows in). Reverse the order as water is expelled.
9. Leave the room. Close and secure door. Stay within calling distance. Check on patient's condition periodically. 
10. Treatment may be discontinued when water has run through or when patient feels relief. Close clamp, withdraw colonic tip. Assist patient to sit upon the commode to expel the remainder of water from bowel. Provide toilet paper, washcloth, towel, and give patient privacy. 
11. Following treatment, have patient rest for 30 minutes. 
12. Clean up area. Put away equipment. Disinfect board and tip. Mop floor. Put linen away. Straighten furniture. Chart treatment and reaction.
VI. Additives 
  •      Charcoal: toxicity, colitis, inflammation 
  •      Goldenseal: astringent agent: colitis, inflammation 
  •      Lemon juice: cleanser, antiseptic (not over prolonged period)
  •      Wormwood: parasites 
  •      White oak: diarrhea, astringent 
  •      Garlic: antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, nutritive
  •      Yarrow: tonic after bowel purging 
  •      Flaxseed: to coat bowel, nutritive 
  •      Horsetail/Dandelion: (as a retention) help body to absorb iron, antiseptic
  •      Honey: (as a retention) exhaustion, malnutrition, as a nutritive agent
  •      Chamomile: mild soothing agent

For more information contact:
Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Tel. 334-855-4764

  1.  Write treatment time on schedule.
  2.  Set up room as follows: 
Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.

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