Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cure Sinusitis

Sinusitis refers to a condition in which there is inflammation of the sinus due to bacterial, or viral, or fungal infections. This usually leads to congestion  of the sinuses. Some of the symptoms of sinusitis are headaches, blocked nose, loss of smell and thick mucus which is usually yellow or green. Luckily there some herbal formulas that can cure sinusitis. These herbs include wild garlic, horseradish, elecampane, ground ivy, elderflower and mint.

How to Cure Sinusitis with Medicinal Herbs.

Eating garlic leaves and at least two cloves of garlic three times a day can beat the infection. Even though the body odor resulting from eating garlic is not pleasant, it is probably the most effective remedy for treating bacterial and viral infections.

Another remedy would be to take horseradish syrup to stimulate circulation of the sinuses. Horseradish can also be taken as a condiment with your food.

Drinking infusions of ground ivy, golden mint and elderflower six times a day is another remedy that will reduce nasal congestion and tone the mucous membranes of the nose.

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