Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cure Anemia

First of before we tackle this topic I have entitled cure anemia we need to know what anemia means. Anaemia is a  condition in there's low haemoglobin and reduced red blood cells in the body. This conditions can arise due to bleeding, reduced red blood cell production, low iron level and also when the spleen destroys more red blood cells than is required. Some of the symptoms of anemia can include shortness of breath and fatigue. To cure anaemia therefore involves improving digestive function and absorption of iron and vitamin C. Luckily there are some herbs that are rich in iron, vitamins and minerals and are at the same time easily absorbed by the body.

Some of the herbs that can help in curing anemia are oat, yellow dockShepherd's purse, chickweed and nettle.

How to Cure Anemia with herbs.

One needs to include nettles in your everyday vegetable intake as nettles are rich in vitamins, minerals and iron content.

Nettle an Chickweed can also be taken as tea to benefit from the rich iron in both herbs. You will need to drink these teas liberally throughout the day. 

Another natural remedy would be taking yellow dock tincture once a day. This will help digestion and bowel health. As a plus yellow dock is rich in iron as well and will help in curing anemia.

If the anemia is caused by bleeding then astringent herbs such as Shepherd's purse will be handy to stop the cause. At the end of the day unless the cause is stopped anemia will not be cured completely.

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