Before I present sore throat home remedies let me point out that sore throats are usually caused by viral infections. The sore throat infection usually results in pain when swallowing food and the tonsils can turn red. When the tonsils become very enlarged due to the infection the condition is known as tonsillitis. Sore throat could be a complication of a cold. In some cases the lymph nodes in the neck may get enlarged. There some herbs that you can take to act as sore throat home remedies and these are wild garlic, wood avens, limeflower,mallow, silverweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse,wild thyme and cleavers.
How to cure Sore Throat Through Home Remedies
The strongest sore throat home remedy would be taking wild garlic leaves and bulbs at least three times a day. It can be taken on toast or honey as honey is also another good remedy for sore throat and other respiratory infections. Most people have reported benefits by taking eight cloves of garlic everyday.
Another remedy is elderberry tincture or syrup every two hours for eight doses, and then four times until better.
Some herbs such as limeflower and elecampane are known for their antiseptic properties and would be a good remedy against sore throats. The dosage would be to take a teaspoon of limeflower or elecampane honey every two hours until the infection goes.
To tone chronically enlarged tonsils one needs to gargle with silverweed, shepherd's purse or oak bark tincture or infusion. Another remedy for swollen glands is cleavers juice or tincture taken three times a day.
Other home remedies for Sore throat
WebMD website gives other home remedies for sore throats such as:-
Gargle warm salt water to reduce swelling and reduce the discomfort The warm salt water is composed of 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8fl oz (240 ml). The warm salt water should be taken once each hour.
Taking other hot or warm fluids also help ensure that there is no dehydration as the fluids will thin secretions and soothe the throat
Smokers are also advised to stop smoking so that the sore throat is not made worse. Non smokers also need to avoid passive tobacco smoke.
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