Syphilis is also a very damaging, even life-threatening disease sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea. The first phase of syphilis is a painless sore at the point of contact with the infected person, the sore having a central crater and elevated edges. This may heal easily, without treatment, in about two weeks. Then in a couple more weeks, the “secondaries” occur. This is a rash all over the body, or small blisters like chicken pox. The lesions may occur inside the mouth, on the palms, or in the vagina. Again, the evidence of disease clears in about two weeks, without treatment, and one may forget about syphilis until a routine blood test turns up positive, one transmits the disease to a different sexual partner, one's child is born deformed with congenital syphilis, or in 10-20 years a major stroke of illness, insanity, heart and artery disease, or a special abscess occurs in a bone, the brain, or the liver that can permanently destroy the function of that part of the body.
Dr. Shook a medical herbalist recommends the use of burdock root: "to our certain knowledge, it has cured syphilis after all other treatments had failed. For the successful treatment of chronic skin diseases, especially eczema, burdock has no equal, while for boils its quick alterative and curative effect is truly remarkable."
In his book, Advanced Treatise In Herbology, Dr. Edward E. Shook, N.D., D.C. wrote that burdock root has other uses as well. He says, "nature has not produced for us many herbs whose food and medicinal value equal this one. It's ancient history as a reliable remedy for bad blood, ulcers, tumors, and many skin diseases such as what we today call eczema, psoriasis, acne, lupus, etc., to say nothing of internal disorders such as syphilis, leprosy, cancer, etc., and the modern proofs of its marvelous efficacy in the treatment of humanities most fearsome and loathsome diseases is positive proof that very few if any herbs are more virtuous or possess more curative powers."
It is recommended to take 2 to 3 cups of burdock root tea to help purify blood and to treat diseases such as syphilis. In case of diseases such as syphillis it is recommended to drink more than the 2 to 3 cups of burdock root. A patient is also advised to do a hot and cold shower 2 to three times a day. A minute or three of very hot water and 30 seconds or a minute of very cold shower for seven times finishing with a cold shower. This is a powerful way to stimulate the body's immune system and thus help the body to heal.
It is recommended to take 2 to 3 cups of burdock root tea to help purify blood and to treat diseases such as syphilis. In case of diseases such as syphillis it is recommended to drink more than the 2 to 3 cups of burdock root. A patient is also advised to do a hot and cold shower 2 to three times a day. A minute or three of very hot water and 30 seconds or a minute of very cold shower for seven times finishing with a cold shower. This is a powerful way to stimulate the body's immune system and thus help the body to heal.
Certain Chinese herbs may also be effective in curing syphilis by helping to boost the immune system. These include Astragalus, ginseng, bupleurum, Japanese wax privet, cordyceps and angelica.
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