Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle urtica dioica is one of natures blood cleansing and blood building herbs which is very effective in treating skin diseases such as ezcema, disorders and inflammation of the urinary passage and suppression of urine. All parts of stinging nettle starting from the roots, stems, leaves, flowers have medicinal properties.

I have just read from Maria Treben Health Through God's Pharmacy that she once told a mother who since her last birth had suffered from eczema and headaches to try stinging nettle tea. She said in a short time she was free from eczema and headaches too. She attributed this amazing success to the fact that the cause of eczema often lies internally and has to be treated internally with blood cleansing herbs such as stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle can also be used for ulcers in the intestines, congestion of the lungs or stomach and lung disorders.  It is also said to work against colds, gout and rheumatism. Maria Treben told a story of a lady who suffered from sciatica and was under medical care for 3 years. She advised this lady take stinging nettle baths where 200gm of stinging nettle are added. After six stinging nettle baths the lady lost all pain within six months.

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