Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Home Remedies for Cold Sores

cold sores blister
Cold Sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and could be as sign of a weakened immune system. It dwells in the nerve root of the spine. They are mostly common on the mouth or genital area and are heralded by a tingling sensation followed by a painful blister. When this blister bursts it leaves a sore. Herpes simplex is highly contagious during the active phase and is spread through kissing and oral sex.The best treatment is through herbs that stimulate the immune system such as echinacea and those that are antiviral such as garlic. The other herbs that can be used as home remedies for cold sores are wild garlic, yarrow, oat, St. John's wort, vervain and meadowsweet.

How the home remedies for cold sores are undertaken:-

  • As soon as an attack threatens take six droppers of St John's wort tincture and/ or Echinacea tincture or tea every two hours for their antiviral and nerve restorative properties in the case of St John's wort and also for echinacea immunity boosting abilities. I would recommend Dr Schulze Echinacea Plus as it is the most potent echinacea plus on the market. It includes garlic and other herbs as well.
  • Eat eight cloves of garlic everyday for its antiviral properties.
  • Take vervain tea up to three times a day to support the liver and nerves during and after infection.
  • To treat the sores topically apply an ointment of meadowsweet and/or yarrow flowers every hour on the sores for their anti inflammatory and healing properties.

1 comment:

  1. Tea Bag – This is another classic way on how to get rid of a canker sore. Press a wet tea bag against the sore for several minutes. The tea bag contains tannic acid which relieve pain as well as may cure your canker sore.


    how to get rid of a canker sore
