Just like you I used to have problems on the choice of echinacea that I could buy on the internet with all sorts of echinacea products on the market. Do I buy echinacea products made from echinacea purpurea or angustifolia? Personally I would recommend echinacea angustifolia as it has more healing properties than echinacea purpurea. However the differences are not many so if you can only find echinacea purpurea it would still be okay.
Echinacea Tincture and How Test Their Strength.
If you cannot make your own echinacea formula then I would urge to consider echinacea tinctures. Tinctures preserve most of the benefits of herbs due to the way they are prepared. In order to test the strength of the echinacea tincture, put a drop or two on your tongue. You should feel a tingling sensation caused by the alkylamides which is the most active constituent of echinacea herb. If there's no strong tingling sensation or no tingling sensation at all then just know that the echinacea you are using is useless.
Recommendation For Best Echinacea Formula
The best echinacea formula that I have found on the market is (1) Dr. Schulze Echinacea Plus - (ECH+) Strong Immune Defense 2 oz. Bottle
. It is probably the strongest and most effective echinacea plus tincture on the marke. No wondeer it is not cheap. It contains other herbs such as garlic to make it more effective. In case you are short of money like me then you can buy the cheaper but also effective echinacea formulas below.
Echinacea is great. I'm a teacher so I use an echinacea spray regularly in my classroom. I like to use Nutrilites Echinacea spray. It clears my sinus's immediatly, cures sore throats and stops coughing. What other Echinacea sprays do you know of?