Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lime Tilia Cordata or Linden Flower Benefits

Linden tea is one of the most popular teas in Europe and it is made from the flowers of Lime Tilia cordata. In France it is called tilleul. Linden tea is taken as  a soothing drink and also for its medicinal use. An infusion of the leave of Lime Tilia Cordata is also used as a complexion wash and is an old prescription for a "fair" skin. The part of  Lime Tilia Cordata that are used for medicinal purposes are the flowers.

How to Use Lime Tilia Cordata or Linden Flower.

As an Infusion: One cup of linden tea three times a day can help to treat tension, stress, or nervous headaches, or to relieve colds, flu and nasal catarrh. Commercially Linden tea is mixed with lemon balm and chamomile with the same results as an infusion.

As Lime Tincture: Take at one dropperful of Lime Tincture 3 times a day to treat high blood pressure caused by stress.

Used As Lime Tilia Cordata Ointment or Lotion: Apply to itching skin caused by rashes or insect bites.

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