Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Cure Bruises

Singer Rihanna's Bruises

Bruises result in leakages of blood from broken blood vessels as a result of hard blow to the skin. To cure bruises then, one need herbs that will promote regeneration of the of circulation and to remove the damaged old blood and tissue quickly. Herbs that have this ability are comfrey, yarrow, mugwort, ground ivy, daisy and mugwort.

How to Cure Bruises :-

  • The first thing in trying to cure bruises is to stop the bleeding. To do this you need to use an infusion of daisy or yarrow as a compress as soon as possible.
  • The next step is to promote healing by applying an ointment of Comfrey or St John's wort to the area of the bruises at least three times a day.
  • For difficult bruises that take time to heal you need to apply to the bruises or wounds a poultice of fresh ground ivy.

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