Sunday, July 3, 2011


Cowslip primula officinalis is one of the most helpful herbs that forms a major part of a special tea of insomnia tea that has helped a lot of people who have found no relief from conventional medicines. I have just finished reading an amazing story struggled with insomnia for years without solution with conventional medicine. The story is in Maria Treben's Health Through God's pharmacy  which I would recommend to anyone seeking powerful herbal formulas for diseases that conventional medicine is failing to treat. Maria Treben met this insomnia patient on 7th December 1976 and he was close to a nervous breakdown when she suggested this excellent tea for insomnia. He tried it and seven days later Maria Treben met his friends who told her that the patient could now sleep again after a long period in which he felt a pain -as if someone was stubbing him with a cigarettee whenever he tried to sleep. He further lost this pain due to this cowslip tea.

Below are the ingredients for this excellent tea for insomnia:
Below are the steps in the preparation of Cowslip Insomnia tea:- 

Before going to bed boil one heaped teaspoon of the above mixture in 1/4 liter of water. It should be infused for three minutes and drank while warm. You can also choose to sweeten the tea with honey if you don't like the taste.

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