Sunday, July 3, 2011

Comfrey Symphytum Officinale

Comfrey  herb
Among medicinal plants and herbs comfrey Symphytum officinale is probably among the top ten. It is an indispensable and valued herbs. Comfrey tincture has managed to treat sufferers of rheumatism and swelling joints who tried all other remedies and failed to find relief. In the book Medicinal Herbs From God's Pharmacy which I would urge you all to buy there's a story of a woman who could hardly use her right arm (the socket joint was almost unusable) and the doctor had already diagnosed paralysis. Following Maria Treben, who is the author of the book above, advice,  she rubbed Symphytum officinale comfrey tincture into the joint of the right arm daily. As the days went by the pain began to ease. At the time Maria Treben was writing Medicinal Herbs From God's Pharmacy she could use her arm normally and could look after her household.

Comfrey Symphytum officinale Poultice

To make a comfrey symphytum officinale poultice you need well dried comfrey Symphytum officinale leaves which should be ground and mixed quickly  with very hot water and a few drops of cooking oil. This paste should then be spread on a piece of linen, applied warm on the affected area and bandaged. The comfrey poultice can be used externally and internally to treats all sorts of wounds, resulting from injuries, bruises, contusions, ecchymosis and bone fractures.

Comfrey symphytum officinale Tea.

For this you use comfrey roots which are finely chopped and soaked in cold water overnight. The mixture is then slightly warmed in the morning, strained and taken in sips. This tea is very effective against stomach ulcers  and bronchitis.

Comfrey leaves Added To A Bath.

500 gm of fresh or dried comfrey leaves are soaked in approximately 5 litres of cold water. The next day this is mixed boiled and the liquid added to the bath water. This comfrey bath is used to treat rheumatic complaints, gout, painful bones, slipped discs and defective circulation.

Comfrey Ointment.

Take 4 to 6 fresh, washed comfrey Symphytum officinale roots chop them finely and add to heated lard and leave to cool overnight. Reheat the mixture the following day strain lightly and pass through a cloth. Pour them into clean, small jars and store in the refrigerator. Comfrey ointment is used against wounds in human beings and animals as well

For those who cannot be able to prepare these preparations then I encourage you to buy organic comfrey root tincture that you can use to prepare the preparations above.

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