Friday, May 13, 2011

St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Remedies

St John’s wort Hypericum perforatum is a scientifically proven anti-depressant for relief of both mild or moderate depression. Also important for anxiety and stress, it can  be helpful for premenstrual syndrome and emotional problem arising during menopause. This achieved by taking St John’s wort Hypericum perforatum tea, capsules, tablets and tincture. A tincture of St. John's Wort is described as "Arnica of the nerves"

St. John’s Wort Remedies

The flowering plant is gathered for infusions and baths, the just opened flowers for the preparation of St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum oil. The fact is that St. John's Wort oil is the best wound oil, it soothes the pain, is anti-inflammatory and healing.

St John’s wort tea  is also used nowaday  for treating injured nerves and nervous affection and injuries caused by a blow, speech disorders, fitful sleep, hysterics and sleeping. St. John's Wort can also be used to treat bedwetting.

Healing Testimonies of St John’s Wort From Maria Treben's Through God’s Pharmacy

My experiences show that for all these disorders, besides the use of the tea internally, sitz baths can be very beneficial (see "directions"). 1 sitz bath a week, followed by 6 consecutive foot baths. This course of treatment is recommended for all nervous complaints and irregular menstruation.

A much valued natural remedy is St. John's Wort oil. No home should be without it. It is easily prepared and keeps its healing properties for two years. It is not only used open wounds, fresh wounds, contusions and glandular swellings and as an effective massage oil, it relieves sore backs. lumbago, sciatica and rheumatismTo have an effective remedy for burns and scalds, the flowers are macerated in linseed oil. This oil is also used for sunburn.

How To Prepare St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum and Directions on Use.

St. John's an Infusion: Add one heaped teaspoon of ST John’s wort to ¼ litre of boiling water.

As St. John’s Wort Oil: The flowers of St John’s Wort are placed loosely in a bottle and fine olive oil is poured over them. The flowers are covered and well stoppered the bottle is left to stand in the sun or near the stove for a few weeks. After a time the oil becomes red. The oil is then strained through a cloth and stored in bottles.

Since most of us cannot be able to prepare our own St John's Wort Oil, I would encourage to try the St John's Oil from Oregon Wild Harvest advertised here. Considering the scientific studies that have shown the efficacy of St John's wort, I know you won't be disappointed.

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