Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Leaky Gut Cure

The following is the leaky gut cure natural remedy as presented by Dr Agatha Thrash of  Uchee Pines Institute in America. The purpose of the remedy below is take steps to stop what caused the leaky gut in the first place and to promote a lifestyle that restores the proper balance in the alimentary canal that will reverse the leaky gut. In order to have a leaky gut cure you must be prepared to take drastic measures in lifestyle changes. The leaky gut cure treatment procedure is as follows:
  • A day or two of fasting per week to assist in the leaky gut cure.
  • Eliminate all those foods known to give you a sensitivity.
  • Take one teaspoon slippery elm in water half an hour before each meal.
  • Take flavonoids before eating, as they can block allergic reactions which cause, or result from, increased permeability. Very favorable flavonoids are found in catechins, milk thistle, and dandelion root. The use of foods high in flavonoids can help in correcting this abnormal permeability (Alternative Medicine Review. 2(5):330;1997). 
  • Use two to four dishes of simple foods at a meal, prepared in as natural and tasty a way as possible. 
  • Take time to eat. Chew your food thoroughly to encourage epidermal growth factor from the saliva. Glutamine, an amino acid known to help in the maintenance of intestinal metabolism, can help to heal the intestinal tract (Archives of Surgery. 125:1040-5;1990). The benefit (the nourishment and the enjoyment we get) from food does not depend so much on the quantity eaten as on its thorough digestion. Nor the gratification of taste so much on the amount of food eaten as on the length of time it remains in the mouth.
  • Anxiety has been found to increase permeability and make it so that your intestine cannot keep partly digested nutrients out so well. Avoid anxiety with the meals. If the brain is burdened, reduce the amount of food that you take. Let food stay a long time in the mouth. 
  • Use no baking soda or baking powder as these upset the chemical balance. 
  • Essential fatty acids such as those found in walnuts and flaxseed can be most helpful to protect your body from toxins produced in the digestive tract (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54:346;1991).
  • Whole grain rice with its gamma orycenin in the bran has a healing effect on the stomach and small bowel and has a very potent antioxidant activity. It should be taken at least once daily for the first six weeks after the discovery of a leaky gut (Rephokaido Institute of Public Health. 16:111;1966).
  • If abnormal bacteria are present (dysbiosis), use herbal antibacterials as indicated. Most bacteria are sensitive to gentian, and particularly to grapefruit seed extract. If a hidden infection is a probability, use goldenseal, echinacea, artemisia, and garlic as anti-germ agents. 
  • Glutathione (GSH) and N-acetyl cysteine are considered extremely good supplements to use in the leaky gut syndrome. Do not take these if you are taking artemisia or any other parasite medicine. Use two pills of NAG (N-acetyl glucosamine) three times a day for one year to help cure the leaky gut.
  • Do not take supplemental forms of dietary fiber in large quantities, as too much may increase intestinal permeability (Journal of Nutrition. 113:2300;1983).
  • Crohn’s disease patients and their relatives may have increased intestinal permeability. One study showed that about one-fourth of all first degree healthy relatives of Crohn’s patients have leaky gut (Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica. 58(1):C61; 1995).
  • Use a friendly bacteria supplement such as Symbiotic with fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS), 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, three times a day in water for one year.
  • In addition to protein, fats and celluloses, chlorella has 3.3 percent glucosamine which may be helpful in the leaky gut syndrome.
Following the above procedures has helped many people to defeat leaky gut syndrome. For this leaky gut cure to happen fast I would also suggest that patients also take Dr Schulze Intestinal Formula 2 as many patients have praised this formula in helping to normalise bowel movement and getting rid of all toxins that cause or aggravate the situation. Some patients have had their leaky gut cured just by taking Dr Schulze Intestinal Formula 

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