Sunday, May 22, 2011

Herbs For HIV

There have been of late a number of herbs that have proven effective against HIV at least in the laboratory. The main herbs for HIV treatment  are echinacea, aloe vera, pau d'arco, and garlic. Prominent herbalist have used these herbs in combination with hydrotherapy treatment or fever therapy treatments, colon cleansing and a change of diet to a vegan diet for treating HIV. 

Dr Richard Schulze in a post entitled HIV/Aids Natural Remedies: HIV/Aids Curable? reports on cases where patients who have gone through his incurables program that includes among other remedies, the herbs above  have gone for tests that have shown that the virus is no longer in the blood. Whether the HIV virus is completely eliminated or just hiding somewhere in the body is another matter.The fact is the virus is no longer traceable in the laboratory. And as long as it is not active in the body then someone can enjoy a healthy life.The full Dr Schulze incurables programs is explained in the book There are No Incurable Diseases

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