Sunday, March 13, 2011


In the following interview Dr Richard Schulze, a renowned medical herbalist discusses the medical remedies he administers to HIV/Aids patients. Dr Richard Schulzeis one of the foremost authorities in the world on natural healing and herbal medicine. He holds a Doctorate in Herbology from the School of Natural Healing and a Doctorate in Natural Medicine. Dr. Schulze also holds a degree in Herbal Pharmacy and degrees in Iridology.

'Aids is curable disease' - Dr. Richard Schulze

Dr. SCHULZE: "Referring back to that AIDS case we discussed on the videotapes, he was in the hospital. He had a T-cell count of 1 or 2--- and had about a week to live. He was one of my most dramatic recoveries with AIDS, and the reason I say that is that he was the most far gone. He was in the absolute, end stage -- they have that wing in the hospital where they have given up on you. You can smoke pot and do anything you want. They had given up on him. He was the sickest. He was just skin wrapped around bones. I've had people with Karposi's sarcoma, and I've had people with pneumocystic lung fibrosis, but he was one of the only ones I had that had both lungs diseased full-blown, advanced. BISER: He had red blotches all over his skin."

SCHULZE: "All over his body. Most people --- usually it's more prevalent on the feet."

BISER: "But he had them all over?"

SCHULZE: He had them on his head, his face, his arm, his chest.

BISER: Don’t you ever get scared that you, yourself could get something from them?

SCHULZE: Again, not that I am perfect, but it's another great motivation to take care of myself and eat right and live a fairly clean life. But I also feel --- I've always felt pretty impervious to this stuff. You know how it is being an Aries.

BISER: Oh, you feel rugged

SCHULZE: I'm headstrong. I feel tough. I don't believe a lot in the germ theory of disease. In other words, if you do get this sick, you've got to set up an environment for it. I take very good care of myself. I also know that orthodox medical beliefs about AIDS are wrong. 'A few years ago, I put a lot of energy out that I wanted to work with people with full-blown AIDS."

BISER: You put the word out?

SCHULZE: Yeah. This was mid-80's --- 1985, maybe. I wanted to let people know that natural healing had no boundaries. AIDS certainly wasn’t a boundary, just because it was the new thing. I think I said that somewhere, and it was on an audio tape, and this man heard the tape. So, I went to visit him, even though he only had one week to live. It was like, "Wow" I thought to myself, "Maybe I got into more than I can chew here." He was bad. But he really believed, even in his horrible state. He believed he could be well. "The only reason the doctor is saying this terminal AIDS patient can't leave the hospital is because he's making $1,000 a day off this guy. It's just a money thing."

BISER: What did you do immediately so that he wouldn't die in one week?

SCHULZE: Got him out of the hospital. This is the hard thing because to lot of people that I see, the doctors say 'If you leave, you'll die." Well, if you stay there, you're going to die, so get out of there. Nothing can really be done in a hospital environment. They are feeding you lime Jello. They have IV's with sugar in your arm. So, I said to his boy friend, "They say he's dead. He doesn't want to be here." Everybody is so alien to this thought of dying at home. For Americans, it's so unusual. I said, "Let's get him the hell out of here." I said, "Just getting him home would stimulate his immune system." And so his boyfriend agreed. I had to get an ambulance service to pull this off, because the doctor sits there saying, "No, I don't want to release him."

BISER: So, you got the release.

SCHULZE: Yeah. You didn't even have to get a release. Anybody in this country has the right to pull the plug and walk the hell out of a hospital. I called an ambulance service with some big sumo wrestler-type guys, and they just came and had an argument with the doctor myself. I said He wants to go home and that's where he's going. So, we got him home and went the whole route. They had to get a juicer; they didn't have a juicer. We got a juicer on the way home. This guy really became a juice fanatic. Some people do. They drink it, and they feel it, they love it. And I then we did a lot, obviously

BISER: By the middle of the next day he was heavy into it?

SCHULZE: Not even the middle of the next day. We got him out right then. It wasn't even the next day We got him out right away He was out of there. They picked up the juicer. I went over to their place that night, got them going the juicer --- the whole program. 'juice-fasting is like a blood transfusion for sick patients who are wasting away to death."

BISER: Did he start the herbs that day too?

SCHULZE: The first is juice-fasting. That's what I start out heavy with. And then, over the next couple of days, we started into heavy doses of immune-boosting herbs the echinacea. He was doing about 10 dropperfuls a day of echinacea tincture, but also echinacea root tea.

BISER: How much echinacea root tea?

SCHULZE: I’d say about 4 to 6 cups a day, whatever we could keep down him. You can't get a lot in.

BISER: You knew you might only have a week to make a turnaround

SCHULZE: Absolutely. When people are this thin, they tend to not be able to take much in their stomach That's where the tinctures come in really nice, because you don't have to consume a large volume. We had him on the teas, we had him on the detoxes, liver flushes, bowel-cleansing. We were doing a lot of enemas because his bowel wasn’t working at all. I also did heavy bowel-cleansing to stop the constipation and diarrhea. There wasn't much coming out. There was very dark, hard material, you know just like chunks of debris. They had him on some pain stuff, and that stopped his bowels. One thing that was important with him was the juices really boosted him up.

BISER: What kind of juices?

SCHULZE: One of my favorites, and we used this with him, is carrot, beetroot and beet leaf.

BISER: A mixture of those three?

SCHULZE: Like 50% carrot and 25% beet root and 25% beet leaf. I remember his blood count was very low We got his blood count normalized in 3 days. Not his T-cells, but his red blood cells. His hemoglobin count was very low

BISER: What did his boyfriend think when, in three days, his blood count was going to normal?

SCHULZE: He was just thrilled. His hemoglobin count had been down very low at the bottom of the level. He had been white and pasty and weak. The blood count was so low you could almost see through him. In three days, his blood count was almost over the top. And his coloor was back, and he had lots of energy I got the two of them some books on juices, and their juicer was running all the time. Most of the cancer, the Karposi's sarcoma, is just blotchy but there were some areas where he had some horrible skin; and there was even some elimination coming out of it. So, we did a lot of drawing stuff on that to clear him out.

BISER: Poke root poultices

SCHULZE: Yes, and a lot of skin-brushing. Whenever people have cancer, I always use that same black drawing poultice with the clay, the charcoal, poke root, garlic, goldenseal and just try to disinfect -- burn a little and get it out. Then we started working with the lungs because he had so many things going on. But this guy became an absolute raging fanatic --- you almost know it when people are going to get well. They just get so positive. And this guy really got into it. He was buying more books on it. And then I had him getting up out of bed, probably in a week, and doing the juicing himself. That's important too.

BISER: Within the week, he was not dead?

SCHULZE: Within a week, he was up, standing in the kitchen, holding on to the counter a little bit, wheezing and juicing. We went through a lot of blood-building juices. He got into mushrooms a lot, you know, immune-stimulating mushrooms and fungi. He had some pretty bad thrush too, and we dealt with that. His mouth hurt a lot. In fact, the juices were quite painful to drink because his mouth was so full of sores.

BISER: Did you ever do what Dr Christopher did for the mouth oak bark?

SCHULZE: You can, and that works really nice. But the tea tree oil works even better, and it soothes and heals thrush in a 2-10% solution. One of the best brands is called Thursday Plantation. It's in all the health food stores. It's excellent. Another source is from Frontier Herbs. 

BISER: How much did he take and in what form?

SCHULZE: We made a gargle out of it. They didn't have any products back then, so we just made a gargle out of tea tree oil, and a mouthwash, and rinsed his mouth with it. It really destroys the fungus andi also reduces the inflammation. But the oak bark works really nice, too. In fact, I usually ---for people like that, I make some kind of tooth powder, and I know I did for him. And it would have contained oak bark. "He was cured in eight months, but relapsed slightly almost two years later when he went off his programs."

BISER: Asyon told me, eight months later he walks into your office a cured man?

SCHULZE: Absolutely When he got strong, it was like the stuff jumped out of his body. And, of course ---- we think of AIDS as a disease, but it really isn't. It's just the combination of diseases that happens when your immune system gets depressed. You build up your immune system and.. oh, and this guy ended up not even testing HIV positive. I almost forgot that. It's supposed to be impossible, but then, in the last 5 years, I've heard of hundreds of cases like that. In other words, he got so well they couldn't even find the antibody for HIV in him. And that's how you know that a lot of the information out there is garbage. For example, 5% of AIDS cases today don't test HIV-positive. His lung fibrosis went away, but there was always some scar tissue in there. His lungs were never 100%, but they could have been if he had done more work in that direction. But I do remember that a couple of years after, he had a slip, and this is quite common. And his T-cell count started going down. He had a relapse and, of course, he had gone off his program. He got back onto a program, and everything went back to healthy. I had a woman patient who had breast cancer with a malignant tumor, golf-ball size. Got rid of it through natural healing, and she had a lump come back in her breast about 10 times probably every year. When I call her, and she goes back on her program, it goes away. So, it's very common that people, once they feel...

BISER: They celebrate "There is life after the incurables program, and it's not back to the life-style that got you in trouble."

SCHULZE: Absolutely I'm not saying that they can't have a Saturday night 5 times a year or something. I'm just saying that isn't what they do). The programs just start lessening and lessening, and the next thing you know, they have slipped back into their old ways. He had a few minor relapses again, which I almost see with every patient. It's almost like you could count on this.

BISER: Now the relapses are not inevitable. They're caused by going back on junk?

SCHULZE: Yeah. And everybody seems to have it at some point. You know what happens is, obviously you get to a point where you go, "Well gosh, if I've got to stay on this program, maybe I don't want to live." It's someone's birthday so I'll have a little bit of this cheesecake and a little piece of chicken. And, you know there's no big deal about that. But then it happens again the next week, and the week after, and then it's two-days-a-week and then it's three-days-a-week. Over a year or two, a person's diet has gotten very sloppy And usually it happens the second year, and then I get the call, "My disease wasn't gone, it's back." People have to realize you need to adopt a new healthy life-style for the rest of your life. This is not a program to be chucked when you get well. If we bombard our bodies with so much crap, something is going to go wrong with us. In immunology you learn that the primary function of the human body is to survive. That's what it is constantly doing. But you have to give it the natural methods that it needs. Red clover for the skin cancers of AIDS.

SCHULZE: I had an older AIDS patient, a man in his late 40's with no problem with his lungs. He wasn't a smoker either. He did have the Karposi's sarcoma, but only on his feet and ankles. But that's usually where it starts. He had a T-cell count down there. We're looking at, I think at one point it was 100, which isn't uncommon with AIDS patients. And, of course, once his T-cell count hit 100, that's when he started having the Karposi's sarcoma. The red blotches came out about grape-size all over the bottom of his feet on his ankles. He might have had one or two on his arms, but primarily on his feet. He was a writer - wrote novels and some poetry. He was pretty much ready to give up. All these people who come to see me just want to know if they can get their digestion better, because they are having diarrhea and this and that. After I overwhelm them for two hours in my office, they believe they have a chance. But none of them ever have an idea of really beating it. I would love to get some people with AIDS who really want to beat the disease.

BISER: But that is not what they want from you?

SCHULZE: No, they just want to feel comfortable; because everybody has told them, including all of their friends, that they are dead.

SCHULZE: They were not trying, but he was. I thought that he was a pretty healthy guy He wasn't one of these wasted-away ones

BISER: So you helped this guy right?

SCHULZE: Yea, but he did have the Karposi's sarcoma cancer which is considered a malignant cancer. He had some meat on his bones. He was also in a monogamous relationship. I'm not so sure if he contracted AIDS because of his homosexual activity on the sidle, or maybe he did some intravenous drugs. I wasn't so sure about how; maybe an occasional weekend in a bath house --- but he did something that dropped his immune system.

BISER: Did this guy get rid of this Karposi's sarcoma?

SCHULZE: Absolutely A complete turnaround. I'm going to say it was about eight months before he didn't have a blotch on his body And, of course, we also treated that externally. We did a few kind of odd things with him. Red clover. I'm a big fan of red clover, topically, when you are talking about skin cancers.

BISER: Red clover what? Like a paste?

SCHULZE: You can make it into a paste in a blender with the poke root you can take the red clover blossoms, just fresh or dried, and put them right in your blender with anything else you'd want to put on it. Also, I'm sure it would have been slippery elm, a little bit of garlic; because I didn't want to burn his skin, but I wanted some garlic in there, and apple cider vinegar, charcoal and bloodroot.

BISER: Not even poke root?

SCHULZE: Oh yes, poke root. And poke root, if it's fresh, will burn through the skin similar to garlic. Dried poke root won't do that. It's a lot less volatile. I didn't want to burn this off, because it's just like purple bruises. It's not like there is something there like a wart. But I wanted some garlic and I used dried poke root. The red clover is so brilliant for skin cancers.

BISER: You mean sometimes you will use it by itself?

SCHULZE: Oh yea, in Dr. Christopher's book, School of Natural Healing, there are cancer plasters.

BISER: What does plaster mean, just a concentrate?

SCHULZE: Yea, I think he talks about simmering down red clover blossom heads similar to the hawthorn berry tonic. We end up with a syrup of red clover and you spread that on the skin. Nowadays, what we might do instead are cold extracts like tinctures where you are concentrating by extracting. But what I usually do rather have someone use something over a long period of time. So, you can just take fresh red clover heads, put them in a blender, add a little bit of vinegar, a little bit of slippery elm or if you want to draw, use clay And just a little bit of garlic, like a clove of garlic. I know I am not giving you a total recipe here, but it's one of those things...

BISER: Yea, I know, you mix it up on the fly

SCHULZE: You blend that up, and you have yourself a paste, and it's like a reddish-brown because of the red clover. It adheres right to the skin because you put the slippery elm in there to hold it together. We would pack his feet in that at night, and just get it right over that cancer. Although cancer is systemic, when you have cancer that you can see on the body, why not treat it right on top? We packed his feet in that at night. He did the whole incurables routine. He got better, he got stronger, his T-cell count kept going up and up. One thing that people need to know here, too, is: T- cell counts don't go from 150 to 1500 on a steady line. I mean, sometimes he tested, and it would be like 275 and the next time 230. He'd get depressed, and I'd have to tell these people. "Come on, this is ridiculous. You're heading uphill." There are bumps. It's like a jagged line, but your direction overall is uphill. I have to remind a lot of people with degenerative disease of that one. I have to kick their butts. He'd have like a one or two degree slip in his T-cell and he thought that was meaningful or he was getting worse or whatever. His T-cell count started going up and up. He wanted to give up on his feet, because they weren't changing that much. But then sure enough, slowly he got better and better. His T-cell count kind of normalized at about 1200, which isn't necessarily optimum. He didn't know what his was before he got sick, anyway. That could have been normal for him. I feel that anybody who gets AIDS unless they have had a horrendous life-style, probably has a weak immune-type body. Immune types will walk out in public, someone will sneeze and they are HIV-positive. I really believe that. They are susceptible to everything. Because their weakness is in their immune system, in their lymphatic system. All cancer blotches went away and they said it's gone into remission. He was as cured as long as he follows the program. "These methods have saved people who looked like they could have been a dead corpse in a wheelbarrow at a concentration camp."

BISER: have you had many people who were skin and bones?

SCHULZE: Absolutely I think probably half my patients have been skin and bones types. They took off their shirts to show me a spot, and it was like, "Put your shirt back on." They had depressions between the ribs. You could put your fingers in the ruts between the ribs.

BISER: Tcell counts of what?

SCHULZE: My lowest, I think I told you was 2 and 1; it fluctuated. They said they saw a court o 1. I've had numerous cases down in the 25-30 range. And I've had them where they looked like... have you ever seen the pictures right after the Americans went into the concentration camps, where they would pick up the dead bodies? They put them in wheelbarrows. Well, a lot of my patients looked like they put a vacuum inside them and it sucked everything in.

BISER: And you pulled them out of that?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. One problem is that they are not assimilating. They are so ill. How do you cope with their problems? The first thing is a juicer. They have got to get a juicer.

BISER: And they are not doing that already when they come to you?

SCHULZE: Oh, God no.

BISER: You mean, all this holistic information is floating around the underground and they are not doing that?

SCHULZE: I know it's shocking. It really is. Our rules at the clinic have always been, if you are called an incurable and if you don't buy a juicer, we won't even see you again. I won't work with them, period. That is one of our basic criteria. You look at a person like these Jews from the concentration camps. You think, "Well, if I tell them to eat fatty foods, it will fatten them up." But they can't assimilate it. The only thing they are going to assimilate is the most basic food and that's juices and herbal drinks.

BISER: Have you seen some of those skin and bones come back all the way?

SCHULZE: Absolutely But these people usually have diarrhea.

BISER: How do you stop the diarrhea?

SCHULZE: Getting healthy. Sometimes we use the intestinal formula number two to solidify it just to make them feel a little bit better, and to soothe and detoxify the bowel. Basically getting their immune system working again will fix the diarrhea. A lot of people think, "I don't want to drink juices; I have diarrhea, and I need fat in my diet." They are eating hamburgers or something. What we have to tell them is, "Look, you are not assimilating anything."

BISER: You can eat it, but you can't assimilate it!

SCHULZE: But you will assimilate these juices. Boy, do they brighten up on the juices. And then, once they are clean, and they do some bowel cleansing or whatever, they start assimilating, and then you get them on high-fat foods like avocados, sesame tahini, nut butters, whole grain bread, and olive oil.

BISER: But that's a long way off

SCHULZE: Yea, it is. The juices come first. The cold sheet treatment must be done by AIDS victims.

SCHULZE: All AIDS victims need this hydrotherapy. It is mandatory not optional. My wife, who was not ill, still claims that it was the turning point in her life because she had volunteered in class to do it. The treatment was metamorphosis for her. It was like coming out of the cocoon for her physically But it does a lot more than that. Everybody today has some psychological problems, maybe from their childhood, and the cold sheet treatment can release these. Emotional healing is part of the program, especially for people with AIDS. We need t do anything to liberate the immune system. So, don't underestimate what goes on during this cold sheet treatment. It's physical, emotional, spiritual, psychic, and It's powerful. 'A common denominator of AIDS is they hate their lives."

SCHULZE: The common denominator I found in most people with AIDS, now, I'm not talking about the rare case of the hemophiliac they're at a blood risk is that they hated themselves. They hated their lives. They thought because they were homosexual, they were going to hell and burn for eternity I mean, you can imagine what went on in their minds. They were immune risks. I had on file patient ---- a man who used to go to the bath houses and have oral sex with 12-15 men in a night--- swallow a pint of semen. Let me put it this way: I have never ever seen anybody get AIDS who didn't tell me a story of their past that didn't make me just about want to vomit. Okay? I thought I was a pretty hip dude. I mean, I'm from the Woodstock generation. I thought I'd been around a little bit, and when these people come.. well, it's just too much. Most people who get AIDS have the worst life styles. They stay up all night long, they use massive amounts of drugs. You know, when you have multiple sexual partners, it's an immune risk because, you know, when you have sex with someone, whatever that someone is, you're sharing bodily fluids, and our immune system has to eat that. And so, if you're having 12 different partners in a night, your immune system's blowing out. And I you know what the bottom line is, healthy people don't get AIDS. They get sick, but they don't get AIDS.

Dr Richard Schulze Incurables Program

The program which is described in Dr Schulze book, 'There are no Incurable diseases', includes the adoption of a vegan diet for all the patients with incurable diseases that means a plant based diet with no meat, eggs and milk and preferably eating the food in raw form. The program starts with a juice fasting for the first thirty days or more. During those days patients only take fruit and vegetable juices plus a daily use of  Dr Schulze SuperFood and Intestinal Formulas 1 and 2. Patients are required to do a 5 day Liver/gall bladder flushes daily and 3-6 teaspoons per day of Cayenne tincture. They also do the five day Kidney/bladder flush

For Cancer and HIV patients Dr Schulze considers his Cold Sheet Treatment a must. Cold Sheet treatment is a hydrotherapy treatment that creates an artificial fever that stimulates the body's  immunity. Below is how  a Cold Sheet treatment is administered and its requirements from 

NOTE: The "COLD SHEET" Treatment is the MOST EFFECTIVE HYDROTHERAPY Procedure today and the MOST POWERFUL Natural Healing Method in Dr. Schulze's Arsenal! This NATURAL and POWERFUL Healing Method induces an Artificial Fever known as "HYPERTHERMIA" and can be used with Common Health Problems, such as Flus and Colds, and DEFINITELY should be used with MORE SERIOUS Pathogenic Disease Processes, such as Pneumonia, Cancer and AIDS!!

This Hydrotherapy Treatment produces a process in the Body, known as "Leukotaxis", DOUBLING the SPEED of the White Blood Cells for EVERY degree over the NORMAL Temperature of 98.6 F.! So that when the Body has a Temperature of 103 degrees, the White Blood Cells are moving 16 times FASTER!

Be FOREWARNED - the "COLD SHEET" Treatment is SO INTENSE that it can bring out BURIED Emotional TRAUMA, because it's like doing a 30-day Fast in 1/2 Hour!!

Please read and understand this Article COMPLETELY, before doing this POWERFUL HEALING Procedure, thus ensuring SAFE and EFFICACIOUS Results!

STEP ONE: FIRST, you should take a COLD Enema to clear LOOSE Fecal Matter out of your Colon, before you begin this Procedure. You can add Herbs to the Water, such as Catnip or Red Raspberry. A COLD Enema causes the Rectal Area to contract, which HELPS you to RETAIN the Fluid LONGER, before youEXPEL the Herbal Tea and the LOOSE Fecal Matter.

STEP TWO: After expelling the Herbal Tea, the next Step of the "COLD SHEET" Treatment is the "GARLIC INJECTION"! You will need a Rectal Syringe (Enema Tubes get CLOGGED) from the Drug Store to do this Procedure. Put 8-10 LARGE Organic Garlic Cloves in a Blender with 50% Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably Bragg's or Spectrum Naturals) and 50% Distilled Water. Dr. Richard Schulze says it's like NAPALM in your Rectum! Put this Solution in with the Rectal Syringe, but you have to get it in QUICKLY ALL at once, because once you get it in, you will want to EXPEL it right back OUT!

According to Dr. Schulze, "It's POWERFUL and it BURNS and really LIGHTS that Person UP! They will RUN to the Toilet, but it doesn't ALL come out. In about 2 minutes, the Burning and the Cramping go away. It's incredibly GROUNDING! It seems to break ANY Psychological ARMORING, that the Person may have! He/she will know IMMEDIATELY, that this is DEFINITELY something, that they have NEVER had in that Area of the Body BEFORE!"

STEP THREE: Get in a HOT Bath, which is as HOT as you can make it, without HURTING the Flesh! The Water is kept at it's HOTTEST for as LONG as the Patient can stand it! Before you enter the Tub, have your Helper place the following Herbs in the HOT Water, 1 oz. or more of Cayenne Pepper, 1 oz. or more of Ginger, and 1 oz. or more of dry Mustard. Get GOOD HIGH-POTENCY Mustard, since MOST of the American Mustard is quite WEAK! Then coat your Genitals with PLENTY of Vaseline (Editor's Note: VEGELATUM - Vegetable-based Substitute is preferable) for Protection, because Olive Oil ALONE can't do the Job! The Cayenne, Ginger, and Mustard, that you use in the "COLD SHEET" Treatment are NOT LOOSE in the Water, but are put in a VERY LARGE (made-up) Tea Bag.

If you put them in LOOSE, you'll plug up the Drain and create a REAL MESS!. So the BEST way to do it, if you don't have any Cloth, is to just cut a square out of an old T-shirt, put in a LEVEL Handful of about 1 oz. of Cayenne Pepper, 1 oz.of Ginger Root, and 1 oz. of Mustard Seed, preferably powdered, but use ANY form, that you can get them in. Put them into this piece of Square Cloth, tie it up with a piece of String, and just toss that in the VERY HOT Bath and then squeeze it, so that you ACTIVATE it MULTIPLE Times for about 10 minutes before getting into the HOT Bath. The Water will turn a Yellowy Orange, and it'll CHOKE you! The Fumes will CHOKE you somewhat, because there are VOLATILE Oils, that are coming out of the Cayenne. These HOT Herbs, that are now in the Water will HELP to induce an Artificial Fever known as HYPERTHERMIA.

To further ACCELERATE this Artificial Fever Process, drink HOT Herbal Tea, while you are in the Bath. According to Dr.Schulze, "For adults, the BEST bitter Diaphoretic (fever-inducing) Tea is Yarrow, which was what Dr. Christopher suggested."

I prefer Ginger instead, since it is a taste, that I and most People KNOW and LIKE! Ginger really ACTIVATES the Digestive System, makes you SWEAT, and it's also readily AVAILABLE! I'm always looking for the Herbs, that really WORK and are EASY-to-get at your local Health Food Store. Yarrow's GREAT, but what if it's NOT available for whatever Reason and you've got an EMERGENCY Situation? You can ALMOST ALWAYS get Ginger, and if there isn't any FRESH Ginger Root in the Produce Department, then just go to the Spice Section and buy Ginger Powder. In fact, in the Spice Section, you can get the Cayenne, Mustard, and Ginger for the Bath and you can get the Ginger for the Herbal Tea. And if and when you have NO other choice in an EMERGENCY, then you'll have to go to the nearest Grocery Store for these Herbs!

NOTE: Dr. Schulze also uses Peppermint Tea or a combination of Ginger & Peppermint Tea.You can even get minced, dehydrated Garlic Cloves, if you have NO other choice. Now you've got the Garlic for the Rectal Injection, and everything that you will need for the "COLD SHEET" Treatment, from the Grocery Store. Drink as many Cups of the Herbal Tea as you can get down, but the MINIMUM is 6!

If you get LIGHT-HEADED and you feel like FAINTING, have your Helper place a COLD Towel or Washcloth on your Forehead. Also, there are 2 Herbal Tinctures (Home-MadeAmerican Botanical Pharmacy or Herb Pharm), that you should ALWAYS have on hand: CAYENNE and LOBELIACAYENNE PREVENTS People from fainting and LOBELIA STOPS FULL Body Spasms, that can occur SOMETIMES!

When you get to the Point, where you know, that you can't stand it 1 Minute MORE, your Helper should push you for about 5 MORE minutes! By then, you may be in TEARS and MOST People are!

STEP FOUR: Now, your Helper should HELP you out of the Tub, and then wrap you up in the "COLD SHEET"!. This is a Double bed-size, clean, White Cotton Sheet (NOT Synthetic Fabric), that has been soaking in a Bucket of 20 Pounds of ICE, so that this "COLD SHEET" is definitely ICE-COLD! You won't evenNOTICE it though, because you're going to be in ANOTHER World! Besides that, this "COLD SHEET" will actually signal the Body to raise it's Temperature evenHIGHER! The sides of the Sheet are then pinned, so that you can NOT throw it off. This "COLD SHEET" will now draw-out the POISONS and TOXINS, that have come to your Skin's Surface as a result of the HOT Bath!

STEP FIVE: Now, your Helper should put you into Bed. The Bed has been prepared by putting a Plastic or Rubber Sheet over the Mattress, then a Cotton, Wool, Linen, or Silk Sheet (ANY Material that BREATHES - NO Synthetics) is laid over that. Now, you can lie down, while wrapped in the "COLD SHEET" and another dry, Non-Synthetic Sheet is put over you and then you are covered with Non-Synthetic Blankets.

STEP SIX: Lastly, with your Feet uncovered, your Feet and Ankles are oiled with Olive Oil, a thick Paste of Vaseline [VEGELATUM (vegetable-based substitute) is preferable] is then applied and the Garlic Paste, that you made with Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably Bragg's or Spectrum Naturals) is applied to the Bottoms of your Feet to help get RID of ANY Infections in the System. Use 2-inch gauze or torn, White Cotton Strips as a Bandage to hold the Garlic Paste on the Sole of the Foot. White, Cotton or Wool Socks are placed over the bandaged Feet.

The Feet are RECOVERED with the "COLD SHEET". The bottom of this "COLD SHEET" is pinned, so you will be in a WET Sack. Then the DRY Sheets and Blankets are pulled over your Feet for WARMTH.

If you have to urinate, then just do it where you are, and do NOT take the "COLD SHEET" OFF!! The Urine won't HURT anything, and it's NOT worth being REWRAPPED in the "COLD SHEET" and then having the Garlic Paste REAPPLIED!

STEP SEVEN: You are now left in the Sheets OVERNIGHT and, by the Morning, the Sheets will have turned Multi-Colored from ALL of the POISONS andTOXINS, that have been drawn OUT of the body. Dr. Christopher said that sometimes the Sheets turn ALL Shades of Purple, Yellow, Black and Green. These are the different POISONS and TOXINS, that have been in the Person for Years - sometimes for the Person's WHOLE Life!

STEP EIGHT: In the Morning, you are SPONGED off with 1 Part each of WARM Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably Bragg's or Spectrum Naturals) and Distilled Water to get the remaining POISONS and TOXINS out of the Pores, and then you are put into CLEAN Clothes and sent back to Bed.

NOTE: You should ONLY be given Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Herbal Teas, and lots of Distilled Water to drink and Fruit to eat for 1-3 Days to provide a TOTALCleansing.

NOTE: KEEP REPEATING (up to 12 times) this Hydrotherapy Treatment EVERY 1-2 days until the DESIRED Results are achieved. Children and Elderly People can do a modified WEAKER version of this Hydrotherapy Treatment.

Dr. Schulze says that he NEVER saw a Fever get OUT-Of-Control in or out of the "COLD SHEET" Treatment, just so long as the Person was drinking ENOUGH Liquids (6 cups -Ginger &/or Peppermint Tea), because if that Person DRYS up, it would be like a Radiator in a Car running dry, so then he/she must keep HYDRATED, so that there won't be a PROBLEM!

From moderator of this blog: Some medical herbalists have used the hydrotherapy treatment which does not    add anything to the water and without using the bath as shown in video on one of my blogs entitled, Benefits of Hydrotherapy or Water Treatmentswith similar results. Of course their patients too had to become life long vegans and  required to take herbs for at least 30 to 90 days.

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