Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dr Richard Schulze: colon cleansing

In the following article  Dr. Richard Schulze, a well know medical herbalist who has used natural remedies to heal supposedly incurable diseases such as cancer discusses the benefits of colonic cleansing.  The human body is powerful and can heal itself in amazing ways but it needs to be at its maximum potential to do that. One of the first ways to optimise the body's immune system is through colon cleansing


When I ran my clinic, new patients were often upset when I told them we had to start with a thorough colon cleansing. What they wanted was my secret energy pill, or youth pill, or something to make their insomnia, infertility, back spasms, headaches, diabetes, arthritis, whatever, miraculously go away.

Natural Healing is NOT about temporary, quick fixes or pills to mask symptoms. It is NOT about cutting, poisoning and burning out disease. That’s what medical doctors do. When you take that approach, often out of nowhere, your disease returns with a vengeance, much worse the second time around.

Natural Healing is about getting to the root cause of disease and illness, correcting it, and then building a healthy lifestyle so your body can do its best healing possible. Then you can enjoy a long, healthy and energetic life.

Natural Healing is NOT about Dr. Schulze healing people, It’s about People Healing Themselves. So I had to kick some butt and do some convincing to get my patients to understand why a belly full of old poisonous, toxic fecal waste and sluggish elimination was probably the cause of their problem, and if it wasn’t the direct cause, it was surely an indirect one.

You should have seen the surprised looks on all of their faces when after a few weeks on this Intestinal Detoxification Program, their aches and pains were gone. About 80% had total relief from their health problems without addressing them directly.

My patients thought I was Father Schulze, not Dr. Schulze. Most of my patients came into my clinic with a very guilty conscience regarding their lifestyle. They wanted to repent their sins of junk food and debauched living. They thought I could just wave my hands over them and have them say a few Hail Tofu’s and everything would be OK. Well it’s not quite that simple. Most had already tried some kind of detox on their own, with either no results, or bad results. Everyone nowadays is selling a quick detox or a 24 hour detox or some instant detox in a glass. There are a few problems here.

First, don’t fool yourself. It takes most of us 20 or 30 years of rough and tough living before we develop a disease. So you’re not going to heal yourself in 24 hours.

Secondly, I made my patients EARN the right to do a detox program. The reason for this is simple. When you start any detoxification program, what happens is that you dislodge and dissolve poisons and toxins that have built up in your fat and muscle cells and in various organs. During an effective detox when these wastes are dissolved, they are deposited into your colon for rapid elimination from your body. If you are constipated, or not having regular frequent bowel movements, these poisons sit there, can re-absorb and make you really sick. This is why many people who undertake a detox program without first making sure their colon is working feel weak, shaky, nauseous, headachy or HORRIBLE. I had patients that literally almost died doing intensive detoxification programs with hot saunas, gallons of juices, herbs, whatever, but hadn’t had a bowel movement in weeks and the detoxification almost killed them.

This is why BEFORE you even think about any intensive detoxification program, THE COLON MUST BE ACTIVELY WORKING AND CLEAN!

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