Sunday, August 7, 2011


Prostatitis results from the inflammation of the prostate gland in men. The prostate gland which is about the size of a  small walnut that lies just below a man's bladder. The prostate gland produces most of the fluid in semen.

Some of the symptoms of prostatitis include  pain during urination, chills and fever and pelvic pain frequency, urgency and poor flow of urine. The condition could worsen in cases where urine is retained in the bladder as it may worsen the pain and the infection leading to cystitis. There are some herbs that can help in curing oneself from prostatitis such as nettle root, plantain, horsetail and couch grass. 

How medicinal herbs are used to cure prostatitis

One of the most effective medicinal herbs in treating prostatitis is a tincture mix of horsetail and nettle root three times a day as a tonic for the genital area and urinary tract.

Taking at least eight cloves of garlic everyday until the infection is gone is especially helpful where the infection is antibacterial. The only drawback is the body odour from the garlic but otherwise this is the most effective way of treating bacterial infections from my personal experience.

If you notice blood in the urine then take plantain tea, horsetail tea and couch grass tea. Drink as much tea as possible throughout the day and this will soothe the membranes and increase urine flow.

Other Natural Remedies to cure prostatitis

One natural remedy to treat prostatitis is taking plenty of fluids. The other being taking lots of rest so that the body can concentrate on tackling the infection. 

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