Sunday, July 31, 2011


Chilblains is a condition affecting the blood vessels as a result of blood vessels of the extremities that get constricted by cold and damp weather and are then warmed too quickly. The vessels do not dilate very quickly resulting in blood being forced into the tissues resulting in the uncomfortable conditions of itching burning, and redness. There some herbs that can help to stabilize the situation and prevent constriction. Tissue healing herbs and anti-inflammatory herbs speed up recovery and help to minimise the symptoms.

Some of the herbs that one can use to cure oneself from chilblains are wild garlic, cramp bark, hawthorn, yarrow and lime.

How to Use Medicinal Herbs in Treating Chilblains

To improve blood flow one needs to include garlic in the diet.
One can also apply topically yarrow or horseradish infused oil to the affected chilblains to stimulate circulation.
For restorative effects on the walls on the blood vessels one needs to take tea made up of equal parts of limeflower and hawthorn tops.

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