Saturday, June 25, 2011

Human Digestion System : How It Works

We need human digestion system because most of the food that we eat is not in the form that the body can absorb or benefit us immediately. It has to be broken down into smaller molecules of nutrients before being absorbed into the  the blood stream and transported to body cells. This process called the human digestion system takes place throughout the day while working, resting and sleeping. 

The Human digestion system starts in the mouth where we break down the food into smaller particles assisted by enzymes produced by the salivary glands. These salivary act upon the message they receive from the brain after the brain is stimulated by smell of foods and even thoughts. The enzymes which are in the saliva mix with the food to break down starch and fat.

This process of the human digestion system continues in the small and large intestines, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. In these organs various enzymes and digestive juices enable the food to broken down further to aid digestion and absorption. Most of the digestion however takes place in the stomach where the hydrochloric acid is used to break down the food on top of the various digestive enzymes found in the stomach. 

This process of digestion continues even further in the large intestines where waste material in the form of faeces are later released through the anus. To assist the body in the human digestion system we need to eat foods that help digestion and not foods hinder digestion. If you click on the highlighted links you can access the posts. I have also written another article on symptoms of a faulty digestion which is a must read for those interested in digestive health.

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