Sunday, May 8, 2011

Parkinson's Disease : Dr Richard Schulze remedies

In an interview with Sam Biser, Dr Richard Schulze, a medical herbalist, who has helped many people heal themselves from what conventional medical establishment calls incurable diseases, says diseases such as Parkinson's diseases can be healed by following the Incurables program he adopted from another famous herbalist Dr Christopher. 

He says, "...anyway, the incurables program is really a blitz, a full spectrum program that I developed to try to hit many different important fundamental areas, and my patients who did the incurables program, had amazing results, you know, cancers fell off, or disappeared, supposedly incurable Parkinson's disease, Alateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, ... we could go down to endless list of supposedly incurable neurological disorders.I mean ... you name it ... what I always call healing miracles ... is what I learned that if you turned up the volume, the intensively enough…. "

For details on the incurables program visit Dr Richard Schulze: Heal Yourself From Incurables and you can also purchase Dr Richard Schulze book, There Are No Incurables.

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