Sunday, May 8, 2011

How To Make Your Own Poultices

Below is a video demonstration on how one can prepare a poultice at home. Poultices are used to treat all sorts of infections by placing the poultices over the infected part of the body. The most famous use of the word poultice is found in the Bible when book of Isaiah 38:21 where Isaiah said, "Prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil and he will recover." Poultices are simple but very effective remedies for chest infections, cancerous tumours.

I won't be surprised if some of you are wondering as to what the word poultice means. A poultice is made by smashing medicinal herbs and plants and adding warm water and natural oils if present to make a paste. The paste is then applied directly to the skin and covered with a piece of cloth. Where a herb is very potent, it is advisable to put a layer of cloth between the skin and the paste. Some of the potent herbs that are have a burning sensation on the skin are garlic, ginger, onion and mustard. The cloth is usually covered with a plastic to hold the moisture Though personally I would prefer to have the paste applied directly to the skin and persevere with the pain, the effectiveness of the poultice is not seriously compromised by the cloth. The poultice can be changed every 4 hours or as soon as the paste dries up.

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