Sunday, May 22, 2011

Diabetes "Causes of Diabetes"

Most experts point out that genetics is the main underlying cause of diabetes and some have pointed out out that our high fat diets are another cause of diabetes. Most of the cases of diabetes are found among the affluent who usually have a high fat diet. It has been shown that a vegeterian diet can ward off diabetes and control the diabetes permanently in many cases. So while you may have genes that predispose you to diabetes you can still control your destiny by your diet. It is therefore pertinent that we learn to avoid these high fat diet that can lead us to an early grave or cause lifestyle diseases such as diabetes.

Whatever the cause Diabetes is brought by either the body's inability to make insulin i.e. type 1 diabetes or by the body not responding to the effects of insulin i.e. type 2 diabetes. It can also be brought on by pregnancy. Insulin is one of the main hormones that regulates blood sugar levels and allows the body to use sugar (called glucose) for energy.

Foods To Avoid In Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes

Refined carbohydrate diets (sugar, white flour, white rice, etc.) are rapidly absorbed, elevating the blood sugar after meals, as well as increasing triglycerides. Such a diet is a detriment in treating diabetes, and is no treatment at all. However, when complex carbohydrates--whole grain bread and cereals, brown rice, bran, fruit, vegetables and no refined sugar--compose most of the meal, the disadvantages of a high carbohydrate diet disappear. The body better utilizes the carbohydrate and glucose in the food. When mildly diabetic persons switch from 45% refined carbohydrates to 85% complex carbohydrates, their glucose tolerance test improves.

After a low fiber meal (the typical American diet), blood sugar shoots up rapidly. This stimulates a spurt of insulin into the blood stream. The resulting overabundance of insulin sends the blood sugar down as rapidly as it ascended. With high fiber meals there is less rapid rise in blood sugar. Fiber slows the digestive process so that absorption of glucose proceeds more slowly. A high insulin level itself causes what we might call "irritation" of blood vessels and increases risks of hypertension, stroke, and heart attack.

The Best Treatment For Diabetes With No Side Effects

Dr Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute reports, "We have found over the years that a total vegetarian diet, high in fiber and the unrefined carbohydrates, low in fats; coupled with a regular exercise program; and weight control is the very best to control diabetes and to prevent the serious complications of this disease. By far the majority of people stay on the program. They enjoy the food, for it is palatable, practical and attractive. The whole family can benefit from eating this food. Most of those who stay on the program never need to take pills or insulin again."

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