Monday, May 30, 2011

Bronchitis Herbal Treatment

Dr Richard Schulze, a foremost authority on Herbal Medicine and other alternative methods of healing such as hydrotherapy or water therapy treatments in the world today recommends the use of echinacea and garlic in treating bronchitis. Dr Schulze operated an Alternative Medical Clinic for 20 years and experienced first hand the herbs and dosages that really work in treating diseases even incurable diseases. Echinacea has been proven in scientific studies to be a very good at stimulating the body's immune system. Garlic is antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic and will therefore get rid of the viruses or or bacteria causing the bronchitis. Dr Schulze has developed Echinacea plus tincture that you can buy to take to prevent bronchitis and to treat it.

How Echinacea and Garlic Are Used To Treat Bronchitis.
  • The Raw Garlic and Echinacea Herb: According to Dr Richard Schulze echinacea root and Garlic bulb, fresh or dried, can be chewed and eaten raw. Chew a one inch piece of Echinacea root every waking hour or two. This will make your mouth tingle a lot and take you awhile to pulverize it enough to swallow.
  • Dr Richard Schulze says while herbal capsules made from dried and powdered herbs are considered by most clinical herbalists, himself included, to be the least effective way to treat patients. In fact, they often don’t work at all. You can however try Dr Richard Schulze formulas such as Echinacea plus as they are made to be as powerful as possible especially the tinctures such as the Dr Schulze Echinacea plus
  • Dr Schulze says with garlic there is really no limit as regards the dosage. He says the only sign of overdose is gastric upset and maybe a loss of all your friends. Dr Schulze gives the following patient testimony on the use of much garlic, "Don’t be a wimp! Last year I received a letter from an elderly woman who was dying from a viral lung infection. She’d had the condition for over a year and all the doctors and drugs had not helped her. The doctors gave her only weeks left to live. She read an article I wrote on Garlic and immediately consumed 47 cloves of raw garlic a day for three days. Shortly thereafter, her so-called incurable viral respiratory infection was gone. By the way, she was 83 years old.

  • Garlic and Echinacea Herbal Tea: Simmer a heaping tablespoon of fresh Echinacea root and a level teaspoon of fresh Garlic bulb in 20 ounces of distilled water. Cool and drink this amount three times daily.
  • Tinctures: Dr Richard Schulze says tinctures are very popular amongst clinical herbalists and are, without exception, the strongest, most concentrated, fastest acting way to use herbs. Echinacea tincture is one of the easiest ways to treat a cold and flu. He, however, warns us to be careful when purchasing tinctures: most on the market are of poor quality and will be of little benefit to you.

    Dosage of Echinace Tinctures For Treating Bronchitis

    Dr Richard Schulze recommends double the dosages that most herbalists suggest. He says these dosages were the ones the created successful healings in his clinic . He says echinacea must be taken steadily for over a period of about a week for maximum immune protection. He says the body needs a certain amount of the phytochemicals in your bloodstream every day to get maximum results and supercharge your immune system.

    For those not sick but who want to boost their immune system for preventative purposes, Dr schulze recommends two dropperfuls, about 60 drops, five times daily until you have consumed two fluid ounces or 60 milliliters. This will take about seven days. Do this at the beginning of each month for the best prevention.

    For those not having specific symptoms of bronchitis but feeling that they could be about to get sick he recommends four dropperfuls, about 120 drops, five times daily until you have consumed two fluid ounces or 60 milliliters. This will take three to four days. Start immediately.

    For those having fever, chills or any any of the symptoms of Bronchitis, Cold or Flu—Use four dropperfuls, about 120 drops, eight times daily (or every other waking hour) until you have consumed two fluid ounces or 60 milliliters. This will take about two days. You may continue this dosage for a week and then reduce it.

    For those with high Fever, Sore Throat, Yellow Mucous, Coughing, Sneezing—Use four dropperfuls, about 120 drops, every hour you are awake (about 16 times a day) until you have consumed two fluid ounces or 60 milliliters. This will take about one day. You may do this for two to three days before you lower your dose.

    Drugs are not supposed to be taken forever, once you are well you need to stop and only take them when needed or for seven days at the beginning of the month for preventive purposes.

1 comment:

  1. This article features herbal medicine one can use to ease up the bronchitis problem.
    Thanks for the information.
    herbal supplements online
