Sunday, May 1, 2011

Abscesses and Boils Natural Remedies

A more than 2,400 year old herbal remedy for boils and abscesses is application of figs to the boil and abscesses. The bible's herbal prescription for boils and abscesses is figs. 2,400 years ago the prophet Isaiah in a message recorded in Isaiah 38:21 advised King Hezekiah of the kingdom of Judah, 'Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaster upon the boil.'

In simple terms, the remedy works by smashing figs and applying them to the boil and covering them with a clean bandage or cloth replacing the figs at least every 24 hours until the boil heals. The figs are often roasted before application.The fruit emollient pulps has been found to help to relieve pain and inflamations. The poultice of figs will also considerably reduce the foul stench given off by chronic ulcers when applied directly to the wound

Figs as a Remedy For Cancer tumors

Reaserchers at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at Mitsubishi-Kasel Institute of Life Sciences in Tokyo, Japan discovered a chemical contained in figs that does treat cancerous tumours. An extract from figs, benzaldehyde, was injected into mice with cancerous tumors and their tumors shrank by one-third. They took the same extract and tested it on cancer patients with remarkable success.

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