Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Heal or Cure Yourself From Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of common diseases that can sometimes be fatal if not treated in time. Charcoal is one of the most effective treatments for diarrhea.

Treat severe diarrhea in an adult by adding 2 large spoonfuls of powdered charcoal to a glass of water. Drink one glass of charcoal water plus one glass of clear water 4 times per day. Drink one more glass of charcoal water followed by one glass of clear water for each additional, watery stool. (Use one half of the adult dose of charcoal for a child.)

Watch for signs of dehydration: thirst; dry mouth; scant, dark yellow urine; loss of skin elasticity; and a sunken, soft spot in infants.

If dehydration occurs, a simple rehydration drink can be made by adding ½ to 1 small spoonful (teaspoon) of salt to 1 quart of vegetable broth or rice water. Give fluids in small sips every 5 minutes-even if vomiting occurs--until there is a normal output of urine.

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