Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Treat Peptic Ulcers Naturally

Gastric and Duodenal ulcers

Natural Treatment For Peptic Ulcers

Use a 24 hour fast to cut down hydrochloric acid production. Willow bark tea is helpful to stop bleeding; use in small amounts,  only if the peptic ulcer is actively bleeding.

Begin simple diet limited to small meals of fruit, vegetables and whole grains the second hours. No fluids with meals. Chew well, take small bites, and eat slowly. Blend foods if teeth are poor. Use only three meals and do not eat between meals. Drink plenty of water between meals to soothe the stomach and dilute the hydrochloric acid. Remember that hydrochloric acid is produced in response to food in the stomach, especially high protein food. We use 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice or catnip tea as needed for pain.

Eliminate all irritating substances ; tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, sweets, vinegar, drugs, spices, baking soda and powder, other substances which inflame the somach and nerves, and wrong eating habits such as eating off schedule, nibbling, and poor chewing.

Observe strict regularity in mealtime and bedtime. Get exercise, but do not be overly enthusiastic for a few days. Take time off from work . It has been known for years that a break in one's regular routine is often beneficial for ulcer patients. You may putter around the house, stopping for a ten minute rest in bed every hour.

Use fomentations with alternating hot and cold to the abdomen. When a peptic ulcer is bleeding , make the fomentations very hot. These are the hottest fomentations that we use, truly as hot as can be tolerated, and lasting for two minutes, followed by an ice rub or very wet cold compress.

Between fomentations, apply a poultice of equal quantities of charcoal and olive oil to the abdomen.

Buy large green bananas called plantain, peel, lay the slices out on a towel to dry, either in the sun or in an oven turned to the lowest possible temperature. When the plantain is entirely dry, pulverize the pieces in a blender to a powder and take two tablespoonfuls two to three times daily.

Both cabbage and olives contain the "anti-gizzard erosion factor." Use four to ten olives four times a day depending on how many calories you can afford. Juice cabbage freshly and take one glassful four times a day. When mealtime is near to dosage schedule, it is good to take the juice ten minutes before the meal. One liter per day for 30 days of concentrated cabbage juice (high in L-glutamine) has been curative in up to 92 percent of patients studied. This treatment along with the garlic treatment (see below), for two months, may be substituted for the goldenseal, echinacea, and grapefruit seed extract if these are unavailable, although it is not as effective a routine. Raw celery juice also contains much of the L-glutamine, and may be used occasionally to give relief from the monotony of the cabbage juice.

Aloe vera juice, two ounces ten minutes before each meal, has a healing benefit. Often helpful is a heaping teaspoon of finely ground slippery elm stirred into two to four ounces of Aloe juice.

A paste made of carob powder and water can be taken by the teaspoonful any time there is pain or nausea. Beginning on the seventh day, take a heaping tablespoon of charcoal for pain four times daily, early morning, mid morning, mid afternoon, and bedtime, avoiding mealtimes by at least half an hour on either side. No need to take carob or charcoal if there is no pain or nausea.

An ELIMINATION AND CHALLENGE DIET should be attempted to see what foods the patient is most sensitive to, and eliminate them until the symptoms are entirely gone. They may then be reintroduced one at a time every ten days. Millet is often soothing to the intestinal tract, especially in peptic ulcers.

Garlic, if tolerated, should be taken in the quantity of five cloves four times a day. The garlic can be chopped and made into a garlic sandwich, if preferred. The sandwich can consist of three to five garlic cloves taken in a sandwich twice a day. The other two times the garlic cloves may be taken blended in cabbage or celery juice. If raw garlic is irritating to the stomach, it may be steamed. Put one globe of garlic cloves in a microwave oven for one minute and ten seconds, or steam over water for ten minutes, or bake in an oven at 350 for 20 minutes. The entire globe should be taken when it is cooked. The aged garlic extract such as Kyolic may be substituted as the form of garlic used. Take two capsules four to six times a day for 30 days. If tolerated garlic  is a very effective natural remedy against peptic ulcers.

1 comment:

  1. It's a great idea to treat such health complications naturally. Eating what's right and taking the necessary vitamins are very important things to do.

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