Thrush (Thrash) is caused by yeast and is as a result usually of a weakened immune system that allows candida (yeast) to grow out of control. To cure yourself of thrash or correctly thrush you must do the following as advised by an expert with many years experience in this field:-
Appropriate Diet To Cure Thrash
- Avoid all yeast products.
- Eat no refined carbohydrates. This means no white flour, no white or brown sugar, or foods or drinks containing these.
- Eat foods containing antifungal properties. These include garlic, onions, and fresh green leafy vegetables. Eat plenty of these.
- A total vegetarian diet is advisable with strict avoidance of milk.
- Eat a handful of pumpkin and sunflower seeds with each meal.
Medications That Promote Growth of Candida
Avoid all drugs that promote growth of Candida; i.e. Antibiotics, birth control pills, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Cortisone and Prednisone, and anti-immunosuppressive drugs such as Imuran.
Restoration of normal gut content: Megadophilus powder: ¼ tsp. three times per day in-between meals or Enterodophilus (Entrin): 1 capsule three times per day in-between meals. PB-8 capsules can be taken twice daily.
Healing of Gut Mucosa.
- Avoid ALL gastric irritants such as vinegar, hot spices, black pepper, curry, etc.
- Before each meal, take: ¼ glass of carrot juice per day (optional), Aloe Vera juice, 2 oz (¼ cup) three times per day 15 minutes before each meal. Evening Primrose oil, 4 capsules (500 mg) two times per day, with meals, or ground flaxseed 1 Tbsp 2 times per day with meals
Herbs that Cure or Heal Candida.
Pau d'Arco (taheebo) tea: prepare at the rate of 1 Tbsp. per cup (8 oz) of water, drink 4 cups daily as part of your water intake.
Anti-Candida Supplements:
- Garlic: 1 medium clove 2-3 times per day or 4 capsules three times per day with meals (Arizona Natural Garlic or Garlicin). For severe cases, take KYOLIC liquid, 1-3 tsp. 3 times per day.
- Natural Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids: 500 mg, two times per day taken with meals.
- Nystatin: 1 tablet four times per day upon arising, between meals, and upon retiring. Space approximately 6 hours apart. Take for 2-3 days. Increase 2 tablets four times per day-same instructions as above.Increase 3 tablets four times per day.Increase to 4 tablets four times per day. Take as long as doctor deems necessary. (SEE NOTE BELOW)
- OR
- Caprystatin taken with Kapricidin-A:1st week: 1 capsule/tablet (of each) two times per day in-between meals. 2nd week: 2 ". 3rd week: 3 " Take for as long as doctor deems necessary. The gradual increase is to minimize the unpleasant symptoms of die-off. However, many people do not experience significant symptoms of die-off and prefer to start with the higher dose. For severe or resistant cases, use the Nystatin powder, ¼ - 3 tsp. in water 3 times daily.
and Kapricidin-A, as well as Nystatin, should be taken in-between meals and must not be mixed with anything other than a small amount of water to aid swallowing. It is also important to note that the use of Caprystatin and Kapricidin-A, as well as Nystatin, should not begin until the rest of the program has been followed for one to two weeks. It is important that you monitor your symptoms carefully to see if this program is being effective for you.
For more information contact:
Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Tel. 334-855-4764
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