Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hives or Urticaria

Hives or Urticaria

Hives or urticaria is caused when the body's immune system releases histamine in the skin. Histamine is released as a reaction to a perceived threat or an allergen. Hives as shown in the picture above is characterized by a red, itchy or prickly rash on the skin. This allergic reaction is usually caused in some peoples body when they eat or consume any of the following, peanuts, some plants, eggs, sesame seeds, strawberry, celery, some citrus fruits, alcohol and some chemicals. Others include insect bites, pollen and animal dander.

Natural Cure for Hives or Urticaria

In order to treat hives naturally one needs to work on the immune systems as hives is a reaction to a foreign body that the body perceives to be harmful.  We therefore need to strengthen the immune system while at the same time reduce the histamine causing the hives and also to reduce the inflammation.

The first thing is to determine the cause of the hives or urticaria by seeking the assistance of your GP or doctor for various tests. After determining the cause, one needs to stop taking the food causing the hives. One should also take apples and red onions which contain quercetin which has antihistamine effect. The apples and red onions can be taken raw or in the form of juices or salads depending on your preferences.

There also some herbs and supplements that can help in curing hives. These herbs include nettle, burdock, juniper berries and lobelia. These can be taken in the form of teas or tinctures. These herbs are natural anti-histamines. One should also apply aloe vera gel or pulp to the affected skin to deal with the inflammation.

One also needs to take immunity boosting herbs such as echinacea and elderflower. This will go a long way in ensuring that the body's immune system is in good shape and able to deal effectively with any threat. Elderflower and camomile tea can also be applied to the affected skin to soothe it. Apply elderflower and camomile tea after they have cooled down to avoid burning the skin.

Another very effective way to treat hives is to take an oatmeal bath. The oatmeal is applied to one's bath and the patient should be in the bath for at least twenty minutes to improve effectiveness of the bath.

There are also supplements that one can take to treat hives or urticaria such as vitamin C and L-glutamine powder. Vitamin C is rich in bioflavanoids and is also an antihistamine. The L-glutamine powder taken before meals may prevent the reaction to the food and also strengthen the liver.

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