In the western world pau d'arco is mostly known for its anti cancer properties but this herb does more than combating cancer. The Native tribes of South America have used pau d'arco for centuries to treat all sorts of ailments from diseases such as malaria and other diseases. Pau d'arco is also known as lapacho, taheebo or ipe roxo among the natives.
Therapeutic ingredients of pau d'arco include among others incluede plant chemicals called naphthoquinones. The most studied of these is lapachol. Lapachol is the ingredient reputed by scientist to be the major reason pau d'arco is able to treat malaria, flu and other bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Pau d'arco has been shown is lab tests to kill the HIV virus though scientists believe that the dosage needed to kill the virus in the human body would be too toxic and may do more harm than good. We are therefore left with the other disease that are cured by taking pau d'arco in capsule, tablet and tincture form.
Some herbalists believe that Pau d'arco taken as a whole and not trying to isolate the parts of it would have done the job without having the side effects patients on trials have had. Pau d'arco known to shrink cancerous cells in animal studies was given in its isolated form of lapachol to human patients in a trial. It is reported that they developed anusea, vomiting, and blood clotting and the research was abondoned as a result.
How To Take Pau d'arco.
- For those suffering from chronic fatigue or HIV and Aids 250mg in in capsule and tablet is recommended per day. For these patients should be taken with other immune boosting herbs such as echinacea or goldenseal
- Pau d'arco can also be taken in tea form. To make it steep 2 or 3 teaspoons of pau d'arco in two cups of very hot water. Drink the tea throughout the day.
- For vaginal yeast infections: The pau d'arco prepared as above should be allowed to cool before being used as a douche
- For Warts: You need to apply compress soaked in in pau d'arco tincture to the affected part and leave overnight. Do this until the wart vanishes
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