Monday, May 30, 2011

Kidney Detox

The kidneys produce urine from the waste products of the body. Adequate hydration enables the kidneys to produce urine, making the waste earlier to expel. We therefore need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to assist the kidneys to expel more waste. The longer this waste stays in the body the more are the chances that it could lead to various diseases.

Poor diet and dehydration has be shown to negatively affect kidney health. Our high fat diet and lower water intake are the leading cause of many kidney diseases. In the United Kingdom, the Department of Health revealed in a report that 33,059 hospital admissions in 2002-2003 were due to kidney disease.

In summary here are some ways you can do to detoxify the kidneys or in other words how to do a kidney detox or detoxification:-

  • Parsley leaf is an excellent diuretic to flush out the kidneys.
  • Cranberry fruit and juice are excellent for detoxifying the kidneys, 
  • Taking eight glasses of water for daily hydration for an average adult is another.

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