Saturday, May 28, 2011

Detoxification Diet

We do not have to wait for a complicated detoxification program to get rid of toxins in the body. There are simple dietary principles or what we might call detoxification diets that we can do to help the detoxification organs of the do their work efficiently.The following foods should form any detoxification or detox diet for each one and should be taken daily to avoid the effect that the accumulated toxins might have on the body:-

  • Garlic: Any healthy conscious person  should include garlic in his diet more especially salad as you cooking may destroy some beneficial compounds in garlic.Garlic is an excellent blood cleanser. Phenolic from garlic stimulates production and activity of glutathione which detoxifies foreign materials in the body.
  • Flavonoids : Flavonoids mostly found in fruits are very good blood cleansers.
  • Raw Foods: Eating raw foods and fewer processed foods helps eliminate toxins from the colon. Therapeutic interventions like an annual colon cleanse may also be helpful
  • Cranberry fruit and juice are excellent for detoxifying the kidneys, as are eight glasses of water for daily hydration.
  • Beet root and carrot juice which are rich in antioxidants are excellent for liver detoxification.
  • Foods like fennels are mild laxatives and enhance colon's ability to get rid of toxins.

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