Saturday, April 2, 2011

Heal Yourself From Parasites or Worms

Intestinal parasites

Having worms or parasites can be a very troubling but they are ways that you can use to cure or heal yourself from parasites and worms by getting rid of them using natural remedies such as garlic and charcoal slurry.

Anyone suffering from parasites should follow the following steps that have been proven to work in efficiently getting rid of parasites and worms in the body: -

  • The first way is to cleanse your intestines by taking for instance Dr Schulze Intestinal Cleanse Formula 1 which has helped some to not only cleanse the intestines of fecal matter that for some has remained attached to the intestines for years but also to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the stomach and intestines.
  • The patient should also take at least eight cloves of  raw Garlic  per day. The garlic will get rid of any parasites, worms and bad bacteria in the alimentary canal
  • The patient should also take charcoal slurry or tablets or capsules that will help in the elimination of all the poisons in the gut. Some experts suggest taking 1 to 3 glasses of the charcoal slurry per day.
  • Adoption of a high fiber diet will also help in making sure that this problem is sorted for good as your food will be easily digested and thereby leaving no room for parasites and worms to develop in the intestines.
  • Dr. Richard Schulze probably the most prominent medical herbalist in the world says that a Liver Flush using his liver/gallbladder and D-Tox tinctures will kill everything that can grow in you. If you have problems with parasites and worms I would advise you to take  Dr. Schulze's five day liver/ballbladder cleanse.
The patient should continue with this treatment until the desired results are achieved.

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