Friday, April 1, 2011

Heal Yourself From Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in the Anus

This article will show ways that help in treating or curing yourself from hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are caused by increased abdominal pressure. This pressure may be due to production of gas, being overweight, overeating, tight clothing (even a tight band on panties can interfere with circulation), or the habit of slumping the shoulders or crossing the arms over the abdomen. Hemorrhoids are dilated and congested veins from the meshwork of veins that surround the rectum and anus. The vein walls become weakened and thinned when they remain widely dilated due to long-sustained pressure which blocks the return of blood to the heart. The dilated veins press on the skin and lining of the rectum and eventually push a "hemorrhoid" into the skin or rectal lining. To treat the hemorrhoids, first reduce the pressure, then heal any irritation on the skin or rectal lining caused by stretching, infection, or thrombosis.

If someone is suffering from hemorrhoids advise him to use the following remedies to heal or cure himself from hemorrhoids :-
  • Give a hot bath or Shower or a sitz bath.
  • Sitz Bath: There are a number of differing opinions on sitz baths. The common sitz bath is merely sitting in a tub, wherein just the buttocks, the lower back into the sacroiliac and the upper thighs are immersed, though the feet should be in another tub; or where the buttocks would be in cold water, the feet should be in hot water; or vice versa. The most important part of the sitz bath, of course, is soaking the anal area in herbal aids to give relief. This is used for itching, piles, hemorrhoids, acid burning from urine and rectal discharges, or toxic conditions wherein the flesh is raw. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, a sitz bath of strong oak bark tea will help, as well a Sitz of witch hazel tea. 
  • Thoroughly rub one or more dropperfuls of cayenne pepper oil, or cayenne powder into the affected area of the body.
  • Alternate very hot , then very cold water over the affected area for 1 minute each for 7 - 10 times.
  • If pain persists, give 5 - 60 drops 3 - 4 times daily of an equal amount of Valerian Root Tincture to the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.
  • Use your common sense on the hot and cold shower and do what you can afford until you are able to take the hottest and coldest water. If the water is not cold enough you can use ice cubes from your freezer.
  • Use a very mild laxative or a bulb of cold water to stimulate easy bowel movement. The laxative may be prune juice, mild senna tea, or very mild licorice tea.
  • Avoid standing for long periods.
Testimony on the Use of Cayenne to Treat Hemorrhoids or Piles and High Blood Pressure From the Famous Medical Herbalist  Late Dr Christopher

Dr. Christopher tells this story. I traveled with a man younger than myself several years ago all over the western part of the United States on business. He marveled at the stamina that an older man could have on long drives without displaying the usual fatigue. Each morning I would get up and have my cayenne and my wheat germ oil (I don't pay attention to anyone else, I just take them, regardless). Finally he got curious and said, "What's that stuff?" So I gave him an illustrative lecture, and he responded, "Well, I have hemorrhoids; my mother died of high blood pressure, and I have high blood pressure; and with the hemorrhoids I have to wear a belt, as you probably noticed, to keep my hemorrhoids up in place. Do you think that (meaning cayenne) will help?" "Not unless you take it," I replied. "Well, I will start taking it." Then I added, "I don't think you're man enough; I don't think you are brave enough," and I turned and walked away. Now, he was well-proportioned and a weight lifter, so after I left, he went over and got into my can and started using the cayenne along with the wheat germ oil, and by spring he did not have to wear a
belt any longer as his hemorrhoids were cleared. Then he had an amazing surprise when he went to his doctor for a regular check-up; the doctor took his blood pressure three or four times and said, "This is supposed to be progressively worse. I don't know what has happened; your systolic and diastolic are near perfect. You don't need to come back any longer --I don't know what happened!" Well, he did not have to go back, and today this gentleman who lives in the Salt Lake City area has no high blood pressure, for he kept on taking his cayenne

Dr Christopher was a famous medical remedies expert who assisted many people with incurable diseases and and there is a book on the formulas he used to treat his patients, Herbal Home Health Care . Dr Christopher is someone who for a number of years treated his patients with these formula and therefore speaks from experience. He is not like any other author who write on the basis of some theories and not realities on the ground.

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