Monday, August 29, 2011

Cold Sores

Cold sore is caused by a herpes simplex virus and once you have it keeps or recurring as the virus causing it persists in the nerve cells.There are some herbs such as calendula that have been shown to to diminish the frequency of recurrence of cold sores. The calendula is taken as an ointment.

The calendula ointment should be applied as soon as you feel that the cold sore is coming. The calendula ointment should be applied every hour and also help in stopping the sore from developing.

To complement the effect of the calendula ointment one also needs to take elderflower and echinacea for their antiviral properties. 

Another effective remedy against cold sores is the lemon balm cream which is applied to the cold sore. To prepare the lemon balm cream you need to mix 50g of calendula or comfrey cream and twenty drops of lemon balm essential oil. This should be stored in a clean dark airtight glass jar. The lemon balm cream should be applied to the cold sore thinly every two to three hours until the sore is gone.

1 comment:

  1. Eat healthy and nutritious food. It’s been noted that some foods can stimulate canker sores in some people, notably acidic fruits and junk food. Another way on how to get rid of a canker sore is eating healthier foods. If you get canker sores after consuming some of those, it’s best to avoid them as a way on how to get rid of a canker sore.

    how to get rid of a canker sore
