Sunday, August 28, 2011

ACV Benefits

ACV benefits are many and varied and they include cures for flu, acid redux, sore throats, gout, sinus infections, candida etc. But as I have pointed out in earlier posts, Apple cider vinegar should only be taken internally in small amount of at least a teaspoon or two three times a day and only when one is sick. This is because that studies have shown that long-term intake of apple cider vinegar ACV or any acetic acid in high dosages can lower potassium levels in the body as well as reduce bone density.

Studies have also shown that daily dose of ACV (apple cider vinegar)also helps in weight reduction by breaking down fat. It has also be shown that taking apple cider vinegar can lower high blood pressure in two weeks

Taking ACV also improves skin's complexion by giving a healthy rosy glow.

ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) is also very effective in treating various conditions affecting pets such as dogs and cats. ACV can help in controlling fleas, barn flies and also brings a shine to their coat. ACV can also help cure arthritic conditions in pets.

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