Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How To Sleep Better

Good night sleep is one of the most important ways to ensure good health. How to Sleep better should be the question on everybody's lips. The following article presents the steps that we need to take to have better sleep. For herbs that you can use to cure oneself from sleep apnea and other sleep problems read Sleep Apnea And Sleep Problems : Natural Remedies

THE ethics of good sleep should form a part of household morality. It is hardly an extravagant assertion that compatively few people, after childhood has passed, know by experience what perfect sleep is, and they satisfy themselves , with a poor apology for this most perfect refreshment. Rising tired and weary from a disturbed and imperfect sleep, they proceed to summon up lost energies by strong tea or. coffee, which in its turn interferes with perfect rest at night, and this process of life, more than any mental or physical labor, wears women out and makes them prematurely old. "I have been reading myself to sleep after retiring," said a Boston woman the other day, "and when I have done this for two or three nights I can see that I look five years older." This is an experience that any woman can verify, and, conversely, she can see that sleeping in a perfectly dark and well-ventilated room brings back the contour and the roses of childhood or early youth.

The most perfect sleep is obtained by carefully closing the blinds, raising and lowering the windows to admit plenty of pure air, and drawing down the heavy shades, thus making the room perfectly dark. Then, on going to bed, go there to sleep, not to write or read, to think or plan, but for the most valuable of all things, the foundation of all activity and energy, perfect sleep A few nights of this experience will work a magic transformation in looks and in feelings. Above all, let us divest ourselves of a traditional prejudice that there is, somehow, virtue in early rising. When early sleep is obtained, early rising is indicated by nature by waking; but, artificially produced, it is pernicious. Unless there is exceptional reason, it is far wiser to sleep till one wakens naturally, and one hour then will do the work of three when one comes to it tired and unrefreshed.
— Herald of Health.

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