Saturday, July 30, 2011

Haemorrhoids or Piles

Haemorrhoids or Piles 3rd Deg

Haemorrhoids or piles results from inflamed veins in the area in and around the anus resulting in severe pain when  passing stools or even when not passing stools. It is one of the most uncomfortable diseases around and I know from personal experience that you would rather have any other infection such as malaria than this piercing pain that results from piles. I also know from personal experience that most conventional ways of treating piles are not  very effective. I also know that some medicinal herbs are some of the most effective remedies against piles. The piles or haemorrhoids are caused by constipation, straining and pregnancy. Astringent medicinal herbs used externally and internally can relieve and like in my case completely cure haemorrhoids. In my case I relied on the internal use which a friend had used and found effective suggested to me. The healing herbs or astringent herbs that directly soothe and speed up healing are as follows: Horse chestnut, oak, pilewort, silverweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse and daisy.

How to use Medicinal Herbs in Treating Haemorrhoids or Piles.

One of the ways of treating piles is through application of a compress over the anus made from and infusion of equal amounts of silverweed or oak bark and horse chestnut.

One can also take horse chestnut tincture twice a day as a venous tonic.

One can also take a tea made from equal amounts of yarrow and shepherd's purse. Take this tea three or more times a day and it will improve pelvic blood flow and is also anti inflammatory.

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