Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cure Boils


Boils are usually caused by bacteria that accumulate in blocked pores or ingrowing hair and these bacteria cause localized infections the at result in red painful lumps that eventually discharge pus. There are some medicinal herbs that can be used to cure boils by drawing out the pus, promoting internal cleansing through the liver and lymphatic system. Other herbs also assist by boosting the body's immune system and thereby enabling the body to fight off the infection easily. Some of the herbs that can be used to cure boils are wild garlic, chickweed, cleavers, mallow root, figwort, plantain and fumitory.

How the Medicinal Herbs Are Used To Cure Boils.

One way to treat boils is to use a drawing poultice made up of fresh mallow root or wet dried mallow root which are then crushed together with garlic cloves. This poultice should be changed every two hours to ensure maximum benefits.

Another way is to pulverize chickweed or plantain which is then used as a drawing poultice as above.

Eating eight cloves of garlic every day is another effective way of curing boils and other infections. Taking less garlic is effective but most medical herbalist believe not as effective as taking eight cloves of garlic a day.

Another treatment is taking a tincture composed of one part burdock, one part figwort and 4 parts cleavers for cleanse the blood and drain toxins from the lymphatic system.

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