Saturday, June 25, 2011

Foods That Help Digestion

Having  good digestive health is one of the most, if not the most important, way towards overall good health. There are foods that will help digestion and foods that hinder digestion. In this article we are interested in foods that help digestion. It is a well known fact that most of the diseases that are killing millions of people are the result of bad nutrition. The high fat diets that include such foods as french fries, fat laden meats e.t.c. have contributed to an increase in constipation and an increase in leaky gut syndrome and cardiovascular diseases and all sorts of cancers. These disease are almost unknown among those that have a plant based diet. The following are the foods that help digestion in a healthy gut:-

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • wholegrains
  • seeds
  • nuts and plant based protein such as those found in soya 
Improving bowel movements through eating plenty of the foods mentioned above that help digestion and also doing  colonic cleansing has been shown to deal with diseases such as migraine headaches. Dr Schulze, a well known herbalist, has reported that when he run natural remedies clinics in the USA he saw hundreds get healed from diseases such as migraines and diabetes just by improving their bowel movements and nothing else. The faecal matter that stays for longer periods than intended in the body results in toxins getting back into the body causing all sorts of problems and diseases

Recent research in the UK at the Newcastle University in England on type 2 diabetes has shown the importance of diet to heal diseases. The study has shown that a low calorie diet can cure type 2 diabetes. This is something that Natural Remedies and herbal experts have known all along that sticking to a plant based can lead to healing from supposedly incurable disease. Science is only catching up on what herbal experts such as Dr Richard Schulze have been saying all along. 

Dr Schulze who advocates a vegan diet for people with incurable diseases has seen people with diseases such as diabetes and cancer get cured by patients who adopt a vegan diet that results in good digestive health. I would encourage you to read Dr Richard Schulze book There are No Incurable Disease to learn what he has he did to treat patients with incurable diseases who had been told by doctor that their disease were now beyond healing. This body of ours is a wonderful machine that can heal itself and prevent diseases naturally if we only make sure that it is perfect condition by eating foods that help digestion.

As already pointed out learn more the book There are No Incurable Disease to appreciate what your body is capable of doing and you will be amazed even though I know that your first thoughts are of doubt about the title. Above all eat the foods above and you can achieve good health that you crave.

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