Saturday, April 16, 2011

Treat Lupus Naturally

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body fails to distinguish its own tissues from foreign tissues and so attacks its own tissues. Lupus is a Latin word that stands for wolf. It was called such due to the rash which  develops in some patients and which has been likened to the markings of a wolf. As with all disease there are natural remedies that some have used successfully to cure or heal themselves of this dreaded disease.

Types of Lupus

There are two types of Lupus one less serious and known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), causes small lesions on the skin. The second one is the most serious as it affects more than just the skin but the whole body stystem and organs. It is known as Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Symptoms for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Inflamation of joints and hands
  • fever
  • Inflammation of kidneys etc
Natural Treatment For Lupus

Treatment is generally based on the causes of the lupus whether it is because of autoimmune, a toxicity  or a vrial infection.
  • If it is the result of toxicity then use of charcoal is advised. Internal dosage is 8 to 10 tablets (4 capsules) daily for as long as you expect the toxic substance is adsorbed. Adding the charcoal to bath is also helpful in getting rid of the toxins.
  • Another treatment that works especially for viral attack is the sweating bath used five times a week
    with an aim of raising the oral temperature to 101 to 103 degrees fareinheit. This will result in profuse sweating. The high temperature promotes phagocytic activity of the white blood cells, improves the defense mechanism and stimulating the body's immune system.
  • A whole body massage is also helpful as it enhances the body's immune system
  • A vegan diet has also proved helpful to most patients especially where the vegetables and fruits are eaten raw. This is the best treatment for lupus for acute attacks.
  • Patients are also advised to avoid refined sugar and salt as these affect the immune system by diminishing the body's ability to defend and heal itself.

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