Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Harmful Effect of Boiling Food

Boiling food destroys most of life giving nutrients in vegetables rendering the food lifeless with very little nutrient content. It has been estimated that on average boiling vegetables destroys approximately 40% of B vitamins and 70% of vitamin C. These nutrients that we destroy are the same nutrients that we need to help the body heal itself and to prevent diseases that continue to kill millions such as cancer.

If at all possible boiling food should be avoided and food should be eaten in its raw form. Eating raw will bring vibrancy to the body and provide the body with all the nutrients it needs to operate at maximum efficiency. If you boil food make sure that there is little water as possible and this is done for a very short period of time. It would be better if you can not eat your food raw to steam them instead as this preserves most of the nutrient value of the food.

The eating of boiled food and less if none at all raw food explains the reason why some who are vegeterians or vegans may not be getting all the benefits of a vegeterian lifestyle such as less cancers. It has been estimated that when you boil vegetables such as carrots for ten minutes the water contains more vitamin C than the carrots. On average boiling destroy

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that there are harmful effects in boiling food. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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