Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vaginitis - Natural Remedies Solutions

Preventive Medicine
Vaginitis is more common in young girls, diabetics, and post-menopausal women. During the age of childbearing, there is a hormonal hardening of the surfaces, making irritation or infection unlikely. If vaginitis does occur, treat it vigorously as it can become chronic and more difficult to eradicate. It may be caused by ordinary bacteria, or by a yeast-like organism (monilia), or by a protozoan (trichomonas). Mechanical irritation, as by wearing tampons, can precipitate the disease.

Go on a low fat (no free fats such as margarine, cooking and salad oil), sugar, and honey free diet for one month.
Use no tub baths. Showers are always better for a woman. Bath water carrying soap and impurities enter both the vagina and urethra. No soap should be used- even with showers-during the treatment period.

Wear no nylon underpanties, panty hose, or pants, only cotton, or open the seam of all synthetic pants from six to eight inches in the crotch. Synthetic fabrics promote the accumulation of both moisture and heat, making better conditions for the growth of microorganisms.

Take a douche of hot soda water (1-3 teaspoons of soda per quart of water), twice daily for seven days and once daily for 30 days.

If there is not prompt relief with soda water, switch to hot vinegar water, 1-4 tablespoons per quart of hot water twice daily. Any kind of vinegar is satisfactory.

Avoid marital relations during the treatment period. Since germs can be transferred between husband and wife, have marriage partner take a 110° sitz bath for twenty minutes cleansing the genitals well with ordinary soap during the hot bath. Rinse off briefly in cold shower, and dry thoroughly. A fine dusting of baking soda should be left on the skin of the genital area. Continue the sitz bath treatment twice daily for three days, and once daily for seven days.

For women going through menopause or already post-menopausal, the menopausal routine should be followed (see separate sheet).

A perineal pour consisting of one quart of hot or cold (not lukewarm) water poured over the perineum after each use of the bathroom, bladder or bowels.

A capsule of vitamin E oil inserted high into the vagina each night is helpful to some.

For more information contact:

Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Tel. 334-855-4764

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