Preventive Medicine
- Pan of ice,
- Ice bag,
- Paper and pencil,
- Towels and washcloths,
- Thermometer and watch,
- Glass and straw,
- Sheet,
- Fan,
- Paper bag,
- 2 Fomentations
- Cover foam pad with sheet.
- Hang towel over window.
- Position fan.
- Place ice water near head.
- Curtain area.
- Place a towel on the floor for patient to walk on.
- Have patient drink plenty of water before treatment, and use the restroom before the treatment starts.
- Place one fomentation cross-wise on the pad for the shoulders and one length-wise for the spine. Place as many towels on the fomentations as is needed to keep the patient from burning, but is still hot.
- Have patient remove all clothing.
- Position patient comfortably with head outside, drape towel around neck and shoulders.
- Place towels over bony areas to keep from burning (shoulders, arms, knees, and feet). Then cover patient with a sheet.
- Turn off light in steam room.
- Pray with patient.
- Turn steam gauge to number 9 and gradually increase temperature until you reach a tolerable temperature for your patient. This is generally from 105°-112°. When thermostat registers the desired temperature, turn the gauge to number 3, or whichever number you need to keep the temperature at the desired place.
- Mild sweating treatment 108° for 10 minutes
- Detoxification treatment 110° for 20 minutes
- Fever therapy treatment 112° for 20-30 minutes after body temperature reaches 102°
- Keep patients head cool with fan and cold compresses. Wait until patient starts to perspire.
- After the first treatment which should be milder usually you will be able to bring a patient’s temperature up to 102° within 10 minutes.
- Apply cold when patient starts to perspire or when hot. Then change often to keep head cool. You can apply the cold in various areas and ways by dipping washcloths or small towels in ice water and wrapping them around the patients head and neck, by placing an ice bag on their head or neck but with a wet washcloth in-between, thus the ice is not directly on the skin without moving (which might lead to frostbite), and by pouring cool water from the hose on them. CAUTION: always check water from hose with your hand first, never point directly at the patient.
- Give the patient water to drink right after taking his temperature. Wait 3 minutes before taking his next oral temperature.
- Throughout the treatment observe the patient for outward reactions. Never leave him alone. Watch for dizziness, nausea, visual disturbance, anxiety, hyperventilation, tingling, and numbness around mouth, fingers, and feet which can lead to tetany. Have patient breathe into paper bag for this problem, talk soothingly to him to allay his fears. Treat the other symptoms by cooling the patient. If patient insists he can not take the treatment, do not force him to stay in the treatment. But many things can be done to encourage him. Some patients enjoy having someone sing to them.
- Raise body temperature to 102°-104° for 15-20 minutes.
- Turn off steam, open door, and turn on the hall fan for 5 minutes before allowing patient to sit up.
- Briefly cool patient with hand shower. Dry off well. Patient should dress warmly enough with slippers on feet and towel over wet hair while going to their room.
- Patient should rest in bed for at least half an hour. They should keep warm.
- Clean and return equipment, stand foam pad on side to drain. Mop floor. Disinfect. Arrange things neatly. Leave room cleaner than when you started.
Safety Precautions:
- If steam room has been used within the last hour, observe room thermometer carefully, it heats much more rapidly.
- Continue to check patient’s comfort, ask him frequently. Remember the feet become hotter sooner than other parts of body.
- Don't allow your patient to sit up with their temperature still elevated above 103°.
For more information contact:
Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Tel. 334-855-4764
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