Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Simple Remedies For Various Infections

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine

Useful in all types of pain to stimulate circulation, to decrease inflammation particularly in joints and muscles, to bring sedation, to treat local or systemic infections such as pneumonia, pyelonephritis, bronchitis, influenza, colds, abscesses, or diseases of the digestive tract.


4 Fomentation packs 12" x 32" (4 thicknesses of toweling—best material 50% wool, 50% cotton)
4 Fomentation covers (36" x 36" - blanket material)
Towels, washcloth in cool water to sponge face, large basin of hot water for foot bath, plastic sheet to protect bed, canning kettle to heat packs
Set of 3-4 fomentations 5 minutes each
Cold application between each fomentation 30 seconds each
Begin with heat and end with cold
Use cool sponging for face and cold compress to forehead
Simultaneous hot foot bath
Avoid incomplete reactions by keeping person warm and resting after treatment.

Influenza, colds, headache, sinusitis, local inflammation of feet, pain, pelvic congestion.

Materials: Foot tub or container large enough to submerge both feet above the ankles, cold compress, towel, sheet and blanket, pitcher, check original material.


Influenza, colds, muscle pain, pain and spasm in arthritis, stiffness, fatigue, viral infections.


Congestive headaches, sprains, strains, trauma, poor circulation, skin ulcers, infections (2-6 x per day to stimulate local defenses against infection), osteoarthritis, congestion.

Throat—sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis

Chest—chest colds, pneumonia, cough

Safety precautions when using heat

Avoid heat to the area that has decreased sensation or markedly decreased circulation to the area: diabetics, paralyzed, unconscious persons, peripheral vascular disease, bleeding (unless used very hot).
Use milder treatments to the young or aged.
Avoid incomplete reactions by keeping person warm and resting after treatment.

Aloe Vera —internally—peptic ulcers, colitis—externally—burns, dermatitis
Buchu—cystitis, urinary tract infections, diuresis
Catnip—sleep, nausea, colic, diarrhea, nervousness
Chamomile—indigestion, gas, fever, to increase appetite, colic
Goldenseal—healing to mucous membranes, fever blisters, colitis, infections on skin
Hops—sedative, sleep
Mint—nausea, slight stimulus
Mullein—cough, chest problems
Red Clover—tonic, menopause
Red Raspberry—pregnancy, menopause
Slippery Elm—cough, colds, soothe stomach
Comfrey—externally—skin ulcers, burns, bruises, moisturizing and cleansing to skin larg


To reduce inflammation, to absorb poisons
Internally—sores in mouth, gum infections, sore throat, gas, indigestion, ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, poisonings, infections—vaginal, kidney, and liver
Externally—impetigo, dermatitis, lacerations, insect and snake bites, eye infections, pain


3 tablespoon flaxseed or 2 T cornstarch. Mix, bring to a boil long enough to thicken.
1 Tablespoon charcoal
1 cup of water

Slurry water: 

1 tablespoon charcoal, allow to settle
4 cups of water
Use the clear tap or distilled water for drinking

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